Game of Thrones, Season 7, Episode 7



  1. The acting is superb, especially as they reach the end of their convo / break-up. Looks like they both tear up just a bit too. The game of chicken they play: That little gesture from Jaime as if to say, "Well? Go on," while his eyes seem to plead the opposite. Her eventual silent nod; you can just feel Cersei trying desperately to keep control, namely over him, but the tighter and more ruthlessly she holds on the more he slips away from her. That poor heartbroken look on his face! And "I don't believe you." In the face of Jaime of all people actually walking away from her, Cersei is left speechless.

  2. So let me get this straight. The White Walkers have at least 100,000 dead soldiers. Consisting of dead men, giants, animals, and a dragon. And if they win the north, without losing much of their numbers, they'll add even more to their immeasurable forces. Yet, despite all of that Cersei believes that 20,000 men with horses and elephants will be enough to beat that?

  3. If living win Cersei have chance to beat them becouse they will have huge casualties from fighting dead, but if dead win Cersei stood zero chance becouse Night King will ressurect all fallen peoples and all others dragons.

  4. Their relationship is so inconsistent for me. Cercei has done horrebdous things all her life and jamie always stood by her. When she blew up the sept jamie had this dissapointed and betrayed look on his face i thought thats when he starts to steer away from cercei. Basically she did the vary same thing that jamie prevented by killing the mad king and he was hated for it all his life. But no he was more fond of cercei than ever. When he executed olenna he sounded like a loyal little dog of cercei it was annoying.. And now cercei did what everyone expected she even said this before to jamie that she will cross them somehow that in order to win she has to be clever and play everyone and now is the time jamie leave her for good? I mean im so happy that he finally leaves her but it was so quick it didnt make sense they've been together for like 40 years and especially now that cercei expects their only child.. It should have been building up all 7 season because it wasnt realistic at all.

  5. jon should have made himself more clear when he said the army of the dead leave no dead behind. cersei's plan only works if dany and jon win. if they lose, then nearly every soldier on their side that falls is risen again in service of the n.k it would be as if he barely lost any of his force. true, cersei is a right emicile, but jon is falling prey to the same failings as a leader that rob suffered. not sufficiently informing those with you of your plans. if rob had told edmure of his plans, the north would have won. if jon had made it clear that the dead can only suffer losses to their numbers under certain circumstances she might not have done this. tho in jon's defense, neither he nor anyone else could have possibly imagined that his proof alone wouldn't have been enough to automatically convince a person.

  6. Cersei – The stupidest Lannister who thinks she is the smartest. The more she pretends to be "smart" the stupider and more irrational she acts. Jamie is finally (30 years too later) how dangerous and stupid she is. Their children died because of her.


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