Scene from Game of Thrones, Season 7, Episode 7



  1. Husband is dead and treated her like shit. Children are dead. Father is dead thanks to little brother. Both brothers ditched her. So yeah, Cersei deserves a painful death for all the harm she caused while a Stark traitor like Theon lives on…

    Yet, Arya/Dany/Jonfags want to see Cersei die the soonest. 🤦 As sadistic as Cersei is.

  2. John snow is a Stark man at the end of the day he was raised a Stark by Ned…i Have always hated the lack of cunning by the Stark men but God did I not respect Jon snow for doubling down on his beliefs even at this point.

  3. I like to think that the original plan was to have Euron pick up the Golden Company, but after he saw the wight, he actually booked it, leaving Cersei thinking he went to pick them up.

  4. Cersei's attitude annoys me to no end. What cersei doesn't realize is that jon probably hates cersei far more than the inverse. Jon's entire family has suffered at the hands of cersei's family. Jon's brother and father(ik Ned and robb weren't really his father and brother but Jon thinks they were) were murdered directly or indirectly by the lannisters. Jon's sister sansa was tormented to hell by joffrey and cersei. Heck all the tragedies that befell house stark can all be traced back to the lannisters. Yet cersei has the nerve to ask jon to stay neutral?

  5. Why has nobody thought about using wildfire? Look what it did to stannis' army at the battle of the black water?? Could do some serious damage in the army of the dead without putting dragons in danger

  6. Still don't understand what the big deal is. Assume everything Cersi says is a a lie, which it is, and she does what you fear and moves into your one Westerosie land of Casterly Rock. So what? You still can take it back with fire and dragons after.

  7. Ok although I should already be used to Jon making the most idiotic decisions…talking about saving humanity – why the hell can't this dude at least lie for good one f*cking time?!

    And while I have to admit that these cowards "Ok I'm out"- reaction is by far the most logical…once again: Maybe only a small hint about the undead not only can't swim but also having a f*cking zombie dragon which easily flies over oceans could maybe getting him into (or better off) the boat, too!

    But hey it's GoT season 7, who wants to be logically anyway 😒…

  8. i think that the first though of the wight (if he is able to) before thinking "ey, look, humans. I'm gonna kill them" was… "Oh, my God, is the freaking sun! IT'S FUCKING PRECIOUS! Now i can finally sunbathe!" And that, my children, is the real reason why the Night King wants to go south: the sun, the beaches, and the bitches

  9. Wouldn't it have been more prudent to invade King's Landing, depose Cersei, and command the rest of the kingdoms to wage war against the White Walkers? I mean, that's basically what Jon did in the North. He deposed the Boltons to better defend the north against the White Walkers. Dany's army was right outside the city. The city would fall within a day.

    But I guess Tyrion truly did not want the rest of his family killed…

  10. Cersei's mad scientist check's out the arm of the wight, don't think this won't mean something for season 8, he will try something just don't know what.  This show doesn't have a character do anything without there being an end result.


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