

  1. There seems to be a plot hole.  Sansa is scared of Arya and seeks counsel with Baelish.  Scene cuts to Sansa standing on top of the castle wall and summons Arya to the council.  Then the show does a bait and switch where Baelish is on trial and after executed.

    People have said there's a scene that was cut where Sansa asks for advice from Bran about Baelish's true intention before thinking about killing Arya.  Does this correspond with the book?

  2. The amount of people saying this was satisfying disgusts me, this was by far the worst season yet, there were 30+ plot holes in these 7 episodes than the 60 episodes from the other seasons combined. They kill a few bad guys, make good guys get together and the braindead fans forget about the logic of the series and go on saying "best season ever", "so satisfying". Go watch some Disney movies.


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