GAME OF THRONES season 7 finale



  1. What would have been cooler would have been for Sansa to deal the killing blow. We know Arya can kill. We've already seen her do it. But this was a character moment for Sansa, not for Arya.
    Plus, Ned always said that if you pass the judgement, you should be the executioner. It would have been a very powerful symbol for her to respect her father's way.

  2. I was actually hoping that he would have said "wait, I know the true about your Aunt Lyanna and Rhaegar. Jon is their son, he is a Targaryen. I have more information you could use. Lock me away but don't kill me" Please Sansa"!!

  3. Have to admit I was fooled. Honestly thought Sansa had been manipulated and brainwashed by him.
    And his face was priceless when Bran spoke. The moment he knew he was completely screwed.

  4. Love that they did this in the open with Arya carrying out the execution. This showed that Sansa understands the game. Honor is important… but, to also instill fear is a tool too. They did this deliberately with the soldiers and lords in presence so they would understand the ramifications if they were to pull some shit like Littlefinger. Ned would have done a clean execution on the chopping block outside or in the fields but they made a Stark GIRL do it savagely and without remorse. Stark kids are young but they've been through a whole lot of shit so they now have the balance of honor and fear that Ned and even Jon /Aegon should've had when the most important decision needed to be made.


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