

  1. This whole Sansa/Arya/Littlefinger arc was painfully predictable since it started… I literally rolled my eyes when Sansa said "lord Baelish"… For a master schemer who was pulling strings behind everybody for so long he deserved a more complex end of his story. This was extremely unsatisfying. Also nobody should have any hard evidence against him aside from Sansa's testimony on the murder of the queen of the Vale (and Sansa was an accomplice) and Bran's visions.

  2. For the Cats Paw Dagger, the one blade which started everything. It should be called War-bringer or some shit because like Littlefinger, the dagger tore the continent asunder. Littlefinger's death didn't sit right with me, he is a charismatic and manipulative person, for his death I wouldn't see him begging and crying, id see him struggle and fight before the dagger ends his life. I don't mind how he died but woulda preferred more of a struggle.

  3. "I dreamt of a maid at a feast with purple serpents in her hair, venom dripping from their fangs, and later I dreamt that same maid again, slaying a savage giant in a castle built of snow".

    Prophecies do come true.

  4. Littlefinger should've easily been able to argue his way out of this situation and even beat Sansa. All they hurled at him was baseless accusations that Bran saw in visions. All he had to do was question the source of all the information and then question Sansa's sanity after they failed to provide an answer. He could've pointed out that he won the Battle of the Bastards for the North. He could've said Lysa was threatening to throw Sansa down the moon door. He could've turned the tables by pointing out that Sansa lied about Lysa's death when she was under no obligation to do so. "If telling a lie is my guilt then you are just as guilty, Lady of Winterfell." He could've asked Bran where he was when Ned Stark was betrayed. "You were recovering from your ordeal in Winterfell, how could have the slightest notion about what really happened?."

    I mean, we knew Littlefinger as a master manipulator and he had all the tools he needed to beat Sansa here. Feels a little cheap for a professional liar to go out like this.

    I think Peter should've totally owned Sansa by repeatedly pointing out they have no proof at all. He could've even confused the Northern lords with accusations of his own. "Are you plotting to overthrow the King in the North? I'm a potential threat is that it? If you treat your allies this way, then why should you, lords, stay her allies?" At this point Bran would start spilling the secrets of all the Northern lords and made it obvious that he is the three eyed raven. Peter should've argued, "Who, what are you?" He could've tried to make the lords question if someone with his powers was truly loyal to the North.

    Peter still should've died, but it should've been because of Bran's cheat codes, not because of his idiocy. Bullshitting is way out is his specialty. I don't know, cool scene, loved it, but felt hollow.

  5. While some people might think that Bran being the 3 eyed raven is a good thing, it seems like a shame that he sacrificed all who he once was to become this. I mean he doesn't seem inhuman, just like he gave up a lot of what made him a stark just to give evidence of littlefingers crimes and to learn of Jons parents.

  6. i think it would have be better with lord glover there too. make it more real. if you remember it was three of them meeting that lead to arya spying on lord baelish. so i think have all the people littlefinger thinks are on his side, really not. plus i would have be better for sansa to kill littlefinger. the man that passes the sentence should be the one to do it.


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