The death of Petyr Baelish.

A clip from Game of Thrones Season 7 , Episode 7: “The Dragon And The Wolf”.



  1. Trial by combat
    Tyrion – 2
    Littlefinger – 0

    LF isn't stupid and he couldn't request for one? More bad writing just for fan service.

    I hope someone kills that little shit, Arya. I hope it is me. But writers will give these Stark brats the happy ending.

    Come at me, girl. Kill me, disguise yourself as me, kill Cersei. Just remember we weren't responsible for your father's beheading or the Red Wedding. They are all dead now.

    Vengeance has never been the final answer to anything. It won't bring them back. And sorry Bran for pushing you that you are now better than the Internet.

  2. Season 7 has had good writing, a great pace and how they outsmarted LF – it's logic. He lowered his guard. He didn't think Arya and Sansa combined with Bran would be capable of outsmarting him – If you don't like it – DON'T BLOODY WATCH. Three eyed raven, night king, dragons. what did you expect. It is FANTASY. Stop whinging and bitching around as if this season were the worst season of all. I find it one of the best.

  3. He should have marry lysa after arryn dead, then killed her.. Becoming the lord of the vale while the tard lisas son grow up, but no, he wanted Sansa cause he loved her in a weirdo way, that's why he is not the best player on got!

  4. So happy to see Baelish go out like that! I was moved to tears.
    I called it so was not entirely sure where Sansa was going in this scene – IE: I knew she wouldn't harm her so there was little tension for me here.
    Last weeks ep where Sansa finished Petyr's sentence with "she wants to be lady of winterfell" struck such a wrong cord with me that I knew Sansa was up to something. No way Sansa would believe Arya would want to be Lady of Winterfell … ever.
    I also thought her sending Brienne away was really strange – now I know it was to give Baelish a bit more confidence.
    I just couldn't work out how the sisters could get together to talk without being 'caught' – though I must admit I thought Arya getting 'tricked' by Baelish (re: the note) was a bit lame considering her cat-like abilities. I guess they'd been working on this plan a bit longer than I thought …
    Sansa says she learned a lot from him. I guess patience was one of his many lessons
    Now the two of them will need to do the same to Cersei … she's learned a lot from her as well! x]
    Sansa will take the Iron Throne in the end for sure.

  5. All of the people are so happy for his death.
    But…I loved that character, he was one of my favourite. Evil as fuck, he causes the death of Ned, Robb, Catelyn, the rape of Sansa, the lost of the Bran's legs. HE USED THE SEVEN KINGDOMS AS THEY WERE HIS BITCH. HE MANIPULATED ALL OF THE DAMN GAME OF THRONES.
    HE WAS A GENIUS. And fucking charming.
    Love You Petyr Baelish, and Love You Aiden Gillen.

  6. Bloody simpletons hating on one of the most glorious chars. He didn't get to where he is because he was born in the right house. No, that's Sansa. He didn't get where he is now because he has magic powers, no that's Brann. He didn't get where he is now because he has various people saving his life, that Jon. He didn't get where he is because he as dragons and can't be burned, that's dani.

    He's a normal human, and not even a good fighter. In times where people die from battle over bloody chickens. He wasn't born into a super rich family and he doesn't have some kingmaker backing him either.

    Even though he died I'm proud of what he achieved and how he did it. Causing chaos, seizing oppertunities and be willing to risk everything.

  7. Starks getting their justice is my kink tbh lol. When Sansa killed Ramsey, when Arya killed Walder and the Freys and now LF. I love how all remaining Stark children are there, watching the man who literally fucked up their lifes the most. I love how Bran even tho is is Three Eyed Raven now is there and still gives a fuck, I love Arya's smug face and I love Sansa naming all of his crimes against their family. I also love how Ned always taught them that the man who passes the sentence should swing the sword and here Sansa "passes the sentence" and Arya "swings the sword", showing us that they make an amazing team, they are the strongest in the pack. I mean look how far they've come, Stark fam (and Jon) are just invincible badass family (not literally invincible but just amazing). Jon- the fighter that has fought the most and the most dangerous battles than anyone in the series, Sansa – smart politician and game player, Arya – smart badass killer and Bran – all-knowing warging magician. Damn I love them.

  8. Idk why are so many people mad about how LF died. I think this was a poetic justice, poetic ending for him. Being killed by his own games. I don't think LF got dumber with the seasons, I think he overestimated himself, he's always thought that he is the smartest, that he is the best in the game. He hugely underestimated Sansa, she played dumber than she really is, she made him believe that she is still listening to his councils (the whole 7th season).If someone thought that she was going to trust him ever again after selling her to Ramsey, you were dead wrong, she's learned a lot. And with the help of Bran (literally knowing everything) and Arya (trained by faceless asassins) she is even stronger and better. LF doesn't really know Bran and Arya and he always turned family/friends against each other, he thought he can do it with them as well, because it always worked out for him and because they are just dumb children in his eyes. He thought they drifted apart after the time they were apart but they grew even stronger together because they know what it's like to be alone. It doesn't matter that Sansa spent a lot of time with Cersei and LF, that Arya is a trained killer and that Bran is Three eyed raven, they are still Starks, raised by Ned and Cat, remembering the lessons their parents gave them…I think this was a good ending for LF. Many people are mad that he is supposed to be the smartest character and he got played by 3 kids but when you overestimate yourself it is usually going to be your downfall. Even the smartest person can make a dumb mistake because they don't think anyone can out-smart them. He's caused so much chaos, fucked up so many lifes of so many people, it couldn't work out for him forever and I think it was pretty obvious. I really like how they did it, playing a game with him, if you think about it, Sansa could've him killed just for Ramsey and that would be much dumber ending, I think ending it with out-playing him with a game is poetic considering that it is what he's done his whole life.

  9. Great acting but this death was super underwhelming for me. What was the point of all the scenes of the girls arguing? If bran saw all his lies and told the stark girls why did they pretend to fall for petyr's game the whole season going so far as to argue with each other in private. Everyone in winterfell did absolutely nothing this season since Jon left.


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