Game Of Thrones 7×07 Season 7 Episode 7 Game Of Thrones S07E07 GOT 7×07 Game Of Thrones 7×08 AresPromo
Dany, Jon, Tyrion, and their motley crew are heading to King’s Landing t meet the Mad Queen herself, Cersei. They will attempt to convince the Lannister that the White Walker threat is much greater than their squabbling over the Iron Throne. Expect some sort of trap from both sides as things looks set to get messy.

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  1. Why couldn't they have said There will be a 9th season… we willl need a little more time to develope characters…. They fucking blew it… it could have been the best show of all time hands down.. but lets HURRY UP… HBO or directors i dunno… but SERIOUSLY, you ruined what could have been the best TV show of ALL TIME… BB is better… YOU LOST.

  2. I've been thinking (I do that sometimes). Gregor Clegane is dead. Well… not really dead, but he isn't exaclty alive either. What happens if he comes within the vicinity of the Night King?

  3. What is going through Cersei's mind during this interaction? She believes she has an unbeatable killer at her side and the hound walks straight up to him and essentially tells him he's going to kill him. Does Cersei feel fear? Does she feel like the Hound isn't a problem? I'm interested to hear others thoughts. I think she's concerned and doesn't really know how to react or understand how big of a threat the Hound is to her body guard.

  4. The way the hound delivers these lines, there's that undertone of sadness to it, it reminds me of when tormund says "you're not truly mean you have sad eyes" and way back when he says to Arya "what made it hurt so much is that is what my brother who did it". The Mountain truly broke Sandor and he hates him for it but I think a part of him wants to love his brother as well.

  5. The true incest of this show will be The Hound bending over The Mountain and showing him the 50 states.

    Also, is it too much to give the mountain actor a stool to stand on for the sake of keeping up appearances? Wtf

  6. I still prefer the Mountain's gold armour from seasons 5 and 6. It had much more detail. Not to mention the cloak and the closed helm made him seem so much more intimidating.

  7. From this scene it's obvious that The Mountain is more like Frankenstein's Monster then a Wight. He has thoughts and memories. He was staring at the Hound the whole time before Sandor approached him and showed signs of recognition. If he was a simple zombie slave who only protected Cersei, he would have drawn his sword when the Hound approached and cut him down. He didn't.

  8. I bet that the hound will probably light the mountain on fire somehow as poetic revenge & it would make sense that he would have to die that way considering that he's basically a zombie now

  9. this may be spoiled or leaky .possibly both .. the hound is gonna use fire on the mountain ..he is a worshiper of fames now…the mountain is walking dead and full of I suspect the fight will go something like this..after a rough and tumble sword fight it will go to fisty cuffs the hound will land a mighty gut shot..right then the rumble from down under the mountain's butt ripples like a dogs lips flapping in the wind out the car door at 70 ..the hound quick response when other people were plugging their noses was to grab a torch …the mountains flatulence shoots flames that make the dragons jelous and cersy catches on fire and they both explode. ..the end ..nailed it! I should write for the show

  10. I could see the Night king simple taken over the Mountain. He is already dead(he is people, just look at the guy. He is just a mindless zombie, not a living person).
    What works better? Night kings magic or Quburns barbaric science? The classic Magic vs Science battle is about to happen!!
    Taken all bets people! taken all bets! 🙂

  11. The Hound is the only one not scared by the Mountain. Everyone else would run away, but the hound has no fear and he actually threatens gregor. Have everyone noticed that they have the same tall in this scene?

  12. 'yeah you know whose coming. me. and that Stark girl, probably, since you're on her list. and maybe that snake bitch, if shes still alive. what was her name? who fucking cares. also Brien, since shes pledged to the Stark girls. this'll be interesting"

  13. This current mountain is not much taller than The Hound…They are two inches apart.
    Conan Stevens still the best Mountain..He should never have left the show.

    Ian White is much taller too, but not strong enough for this character!


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