Scene from Game of Thrones, Season 7, Episode 7



  1. I realize how Cersei should die next season. It should be in the final episode (or the end of the penultimate episode) where she is convicted of, among other things, actions that led to the death of Myrcella and Tommen. Then die slowly by wildfire.

    That would be the cruelest thing for Cersei to be convicted of even though she wasn't directly responsible for it.

  2. “It doesn't matter. Your love doesn't matter. Your feelings don't matter. I don't care why you did what you did, I only care what it cost us.”

    This, ladies and gentlemen, is how Tyrion ended up on the other side.

    You can't denigrate a person's feelings and tell them they count for nothing – especially someone as sensitive, compassionate and intelligent as Tyrion – without expecting the person to want to find other people who will recognise them for their qualities.

    Well done, Cersei: as Tyrion says in another scene, her power is brittle as all the people beneath her want her dead.

    I doubt they will have to wait long.

    It's amazing Tyrion made it out of his family with a working moral compass and such a good understanding of human nature.

  3. The way Lena Headey crafted the art acting with Cersei giving the look of death, an urge to murder Tyrion and hesitant at the same time is so brilliant. You get nervous by just seeing that urge, just to find out Cersei Lannister can't kill her little brother, it just goes to show there's the tiniest spot of love even underneath all the hate. Peter's speech and way of assurance to Cersei that Tyrion indeed loved his nephew and niece is fucking good.

  4. Exactly how did Tyrion kill Tommen? Cersei needs to get her facts straight. She's the one who killed his wife which led to him committing suicide yet she blames Tyrion for his death. Psycho bitch


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