Sandor Clegane, Beric Dondarrion & Thoros of Myr visit a house of The Hound’s past. Sandor is shown a vision in the flames.



  1. I just now realize that the girl and the man Ary and Sandor were eating and '' praying '' with where the dead bodies they found in this cabin. It's sad that Sandor was right about them dying.

  2. Listen to his vision. "It's where the wall meets the sea" … "The dead are marching past"

    Map it onto what you saw in the opening credits of the wall before season 7.

    Now map it onto the opening credits of the wall in season 7.

    See if you see a difference. Now you know how the white walkers are going to get south of the wall

  3. Having watched this scene a second time.. from the moment the Hound finally looks into the fire and starts to see that vision, it's absolutely perfectly scripted. Beric's eyes widening more each time the camera cuts back to him as the Hound describes what he's seeing… then the kicker, he sees the dead, walking. Beric leaping up. So cool because with very few words the script makes it clear Beric and Thoros have never actually seen what the Hound's seeing (the dead). The Hound being completely lost for words by the end and basically frozen with fear – that's great.

    Also – I've never paid much attention to Beric if I'm honest, but having watched this particular scene I can't help feeling he's got a bigger part to come. If that sword is magical and 'bound to his blood' then a fire-wielding soldier would be very useful against old Skeletor.

  4. your top-knot is not fooling anyone! if the hound dies it will be worse than hodor. NOBODY wants him to die. i dont even want him to sacrifice himself for the stark girls- it would be so much better if they saved him! no one has ever been there for him or cared about him in his life- the 2 of them standing up for him would be so much better.


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