We return once again (with only a few members this week – sorry, fans of both La La and Angel Eyes) to give our first reactions to episode 2 of this penultimate season, “Stormborn”.


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  1. Ur's what is the point of that explanation is that in the books after Euron is exiled from iron islands he becomes a pirate and on his ship the crew doesn't have tounge so that no one will betray him…so they r cutting his tounge…excuse from grammatical errors

  2. When you think about it, Isn't it quite odd how people can be embarrassed during a sex scene yet when someone gets their throat cut or is hacked to death we cheer lol Something about that just doesn't seem right lol

  3. LoL, this dude is funny. Great editing, I enjoy the captions 🙂 FYI, the point of the last scene…imo…shows the impact Ramsay had on Theon… REEK reappears, at least that's how I took it. Not necessarily cowardice, #PTSD

  4. Disappointing in regards to good stuff?? WTF?? Euron is the best character in the books, and finally showing some of that in the show. The sand snakes got exactly what they deserved. He's gonna make Ramsey look like a little playground bully in comparison once he's finished.

  5. Who would've thought a big, tough guy like Pops would have such a weak stomach?
    Don't be such a pussy Dad, it's only scabs….hahahahaheheheehee

    P.S. – Hey, Jay Baruchel, where's Kaylee from Firefly?

  6. I love watching your reactions. You are cute and all but where was your sister?! I know she would have screamed of happiness for Jon finally going to see Dany. This is all what we all waiting for. See you next week!

  7. He's been tortured for three years, robbed of his humanity and person-hood, had his privates and other parts mutilated, treated badly by his father and almost everyone else thus resulting in some major PTSD and then when faced with even more horror after a brief respite he runs.

    You may call that cowardice or anything else but if you had gone through the same things you'd do no differently.

  8. I was just wondering, why are so many people hating on Sansa and Theon? Sansa knows political stuff better than Jon and she had it worse than him. Even the Northern lords gave her their support. I've got the feeling she'll cause Littlefinger's demise as well. Theon has been tortured until madness and became the shadow of his former self… I'm sure Euron meant to traumatise him even more in order to stop him doing something. I regret he didn't act, but I pity him, I don't hate him.

  9. that awkward silence moment when you see a sex scene with your parents and you ask them: what is that stuff hanging him?. but not in this case, Grey Worm has his dick cutted.


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