Spoilers for both the Game of Thrones show and A Song of Ice and Fire books! Come down the theory rabbit hole with Dragons on the Wall hosts Terri and Joshua.

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  1. I am hoping that, though your theory about Jorah returning with the Golden Company was wrong, there is still the hope that Daario will bring them to Danaerys. Also, since they will be coming from Braavos, it would be great if they brought Jaqen H'gar along for the trip!!!

  2. Picture this: Golden Company army in full strength starring down Daenyrs Army. Then Varys walks up repping daenys side and reveals hes a blackfyre. The golden company does an about face and slaughters the Lannister forces.

    I think it makes absolutely no sense for them to fight for Cercei. In the show, there are no Blackfyres. Varys supports Dany (Show-Version) instead of Aegon Targaryen/Blackfyre (Book-Version). All characters that exist in the show and are associated with the Golden Company (Tyrion, Daario, Varys, Jorah) are on Dany's side.
    Not to mention the fact that Jon was named Aegon, creating the possibility that the show somehow merged the charakters of Aegon Targaryen and Jon Snow.
    Since there are no Blackfyres in the show, the Golden Company doesn't have a single reason to be against Targaryens – they would much rather support them (=Dany and Jon/Aegon).

  4. Spoiler Warning!

    Well, according to the leaked Season 7 Game of Thrones script, which so far has turned out 100% accurate, at the very end of Season 7, Episode 7, Bran returns to the vision of Ned Stark and Lyanna Stark talking in the Tower of Joy, and it turns out she told him the name of the child, it's "Aegon Targaryen". Meaning that the show deliberately misled us into thinking R+L=J, when in actuality they'll be introducing the "Young Griff"/Aegon Targaryen storyline from the books into the next Season, just heavily altered.

    Speculation Ahead:
    Cersei probably foolishly hires the Golden Company, and opens the gates to King's Landing for them when they arrive, thinking that they're allies, and the Golden Company ends up sacking King's Landing and killing Cersei, in a manner very similar to how the Lannister's sacked King's Landing at the end of Robert's Rebellion. Turns out, Aegon Targaryen is leading the Golden Company, and a Targaryen ends up on the Iron Throne once more, just not the one that everyone thought. Daenerys and Jon likely end up dying while taking out the Night's King. Turns out, Aegon Targaryen was the smartest player in the Game of Thrones, because he completely avoided the notice of all the other players, until the very last instant.

  5. I believe that since GRRM and DandD confirmed that Jamie is essential for the end of the story I believe that our heroes will make their last stand against the white walkers in Kings Landing after defeating Cersei. And then while everyone is evacuating, and making their way out of the city Jamie will light the remaining stockpiles of wildfire and sacrifice himself for the kingdoms thus redeeming himself and becoming the ultimate hero.

  6. Narratively, there has to be a reason for Jorah to still be on the show… and to have been cured so quickly.

    And, yes, he's absolutely taken on many of the attributes of Connington.

    So, I think it's a safe bet that Jorah will be involved in getting the Golden Company to switch sides, maybe even in a pivotal way.

  7. golden company is blackfyre branched . varys will support the golden company , betray danny and will try to put one of the blackfyre member on the throne . BUT


  8. First Stannis DID end up hiring sell swords & they were the first to desert when things started looking bad taking horses with them. Rumors are that Jon's Targaryen name will be Aegon but that's weird, if so.

  9. If Jorah Mormont takes Jon Connington's place, then maybe the perfect person to take Aegon's place is Gendry. Not a Targaryen, but he's Robert Baratheon's bastard and he has claims to the Stormlands and the Iron Throne.


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