Home News “Game Of Thrones” Actor Confirms An Alternative Ending Exists

“Game Of Thrones” Actor Confirms An Alternative Ending Exists


Perhaps it’ll be on the special features.

It’s no secret that many fans found the final season of Game Of Thrones to be a colossal disappointment. In fact, some have gone so far as to disavow the show completely, all but burning showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss in effigy. Despite that, many have since gone on with their lives, perhaps destined to revisit Thrones with a fresh perspective somewhere down the line. If and when that time does come, perhaps an alternate ending will indeed be made available. Actor Kristofer Hivju, who played Tormund Giantsbane in six of eight seasons, recently confirmed that they actually shot an as-of-yet unseen conclusion.

Speaking with Metro, Hivju opened up about his experience working on the final season, including the highly secretive alternate ending. “Well, we shot an alternative ending,” he told Metro. “That was mostly for fun but I don’t know if I’m allowed to tell you about that.” Reiterating that the process was “fun,” Hivju opted to remain mums-the-word about the key players involved. And perhaps it’s for the best. It’s unlikely that an alternate ending would be elaborate in scale, which means the beats would probably play out in a similar fashion as what we’ve seen.

Would you be interested in revisiting Game Of Thrones with refocused eyes? Now that some time has passed, do you think the sentiment toward the final season will change? 




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