“There’s no way to make everybody happy.”

Game of Thrones actor Jacob Anderson has become the latest cast member to discuss the extremely divisive ending to the fantasy show.

The HBO show ended in May with a controversial finale that split fans right down the middle. While some deemed it a satisfactory end, over a million others signed a petition to remake the final season.

Now Anderson, who played Grey Worm, has admitted he thinks that the backlash was a bit excessive.

The actor, who is otherwise known as Raleigh Ritchie, told PA: “I feel like not everybody is going to love everything.

“There’s no way to make everybody happy. It’s a shame when people say something is good or bad with complete resolve anyway – it’s subjective. Storytelling is subjective. It’s fine if people don’t like it, some other people did.”

He also said that creators Dan Benioff and DB Weiss ‘ended it how they wanted it to end it.’

Anderson also described the final scenes, which see Grey Worm assuming the role of a “villain”, or at least by the character’s own standards following the death of Missandei.

“It was quite fun to play though that scene where I had to stare everybody down, that kind of trial, was a nightmare because we’re all bad at keeping straight faces,” he said.

“I’m probably the worst, so having to look into Joe Dempsie’s (Gendry) eyes and not die laughing was really difficult.”

A Game of Thrones prequel is currently in development.




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