Game Of Thrones star Liam Cunningham slammed migrant row TD Noel Grealish yesterday over his “disgusting comments” and called him a “typical ignorant” politician.

The Galway West Independent made controversial remarks about asylum seekers this week and hit out at “economic migrants” who “sponge” off the system.

Almost 2,000 people signed a petition yesterday calling on Deputy Grealish to “clarify and apologise for racist comments” he made at the meeting.


Cunningham tweeted: “Disgusting comments. Deputy Noel Grealish is the typical ignorant a**hole politician we need to make sure never gets voted in again.”

An attendee at the Oughterard public meeting on proposed plans to locate a direct provision centre in a disused hotel in the area posted the video on Twitter.


Deputy Grealish, who can be heard addressing the 800-strong crowd, said: “Now I have worked with one or two Syrian families.

“These were genuine refugees who were persecuted in their homeland, because they were Christian, by ISIS.

“They were housed around Galway, put in houses, accepted by communities.


“If you watch the news, and even our Taoiseach said two weeks ago he would take an extra 200 what-do-you-call migrants from Africa. These are economic migrants. These are people coming over here from Africa to sponge off the system here in Ireland.”

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar said yesterday: “I haven’t heard those comments or the audio myself but if what’s said is true I think he needs to withdraw those remarks and certainly issue a statement to clarify what he said.

“We don’t have a formal arrangement with Noel Grealish in the Dail. He is an Independent, very often votes with the Government, sometimes doesn’t.”

TD Grealish


The pressure was building on Deputy Grealish last night to withdraw the remarks but the 55-year-old did not issue a response after attempts to contact him.

Meanwhile, more than 1,900 people signed an Uplift petition which stated: “Noel Grealish must immediately come out and say these racist comments are not acceptable after a recent Oughterard meeting where inflammatory statements were reported including stating African migrants in Ireland come here to sponge off the system and that only Christian refugees are legitimate.

“Growing anti-racism in this country must be tackled face on.”

The online platform described Deputy Grealish’s comments as being “unacceptable” and claimed they “perpetuate racism”.

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