In this video I critically analyze the depiction of Sex and nudity in Game of Thrones and what impact this has on how the show is perceived



  1. Totally agree with your opinion on the show. I'm listening to the Game of Thrones audiobooks at the moment and sometimes I was quite shocked by George R.R. Martins explicit (full-fledged) descriptions of sex and sexual assaults (and other abuse of women or men) (in the show I never had this feeling, not even in ''Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken'') (although such events happened a lot in history (and sadly still happen), some of the descriptions in the novels (e.g. for Lollys Stokeworth and for Layna) were very explicit, a bit too explicit 'to my taste').

  2. Very good points made! I believe the modern-day people react to touchy on subjects that some might be considered inappropriate of offensive. Many people are way too protective of themselves and try to shield off ''bad influence''. This basically turns many in to softies who are easily offended by well- anything. The sex in the show is often adding to the character development and storyline. Plus, I believe that it's sometimes okay to show some extra abs or boobs just for the fun of it, as long as they don't make a big deal out of it or let it influence the scene too much without actually adding to the story. As always, love your videos!

  3. Not having a TV, or watching much when you did have one? Doesn't sound like you. the play you were in, wow Marc, you get to do all the cool stuff. Estoy celoso, hombre! I'm a bit like you, I might've heard of the books, but hadn't read them, I'd o.d'ed on too much repetitive fantasy (Anne McCaffrey and David Eddings in particular) and just needed a break. Heard the buzz about the show and watched and was instantly hooked. "Porn of Thrones" sounds like sour grapes to me, funny, though. I'd seen the first Screen Junkies Game of Thrones trailer, but the second one was new to me so thanks. I'm more affected by the violence than the sex and nudity in Game of Thrones, myself. But that's a discussion for another time. The Cersei & Jaime scene made me uncomfortable, Sansa & Ramsay, more so. But it's not as bad as what was done to Jeyne Poole, or burning Shireen Baratheon alive. The books have way more sex then the show. Did anyone expect to see "The Myrish swamp" or Tyrion go down on Shae while she was asleep???? A few things in the show I deemed overdone –
    Podrick Payne: Sex God (Gimme a break!)
    Loras & Olyvar: Not really necessary,
    Melisandre flashing her tits at everybody
    Tyene Sand and Bronn in the cells (and this is BEFORE the "bad pussy" line)
    And just for the sake of clarity I must point this out: In the show Daenerys loses her virginity without any pleasure, (if it wasn't marriage it would be rape) in the book Drogo takes considerable time to arouse her first. I don't think it's gratuitous sex and nudity, but I'm not as certain as you,.
    And there is no sex described in Tolkien, ever!
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

  4. It always makes me wonder why the same people who complain of gratuitous nudity scenes are some of the same ones who complained (for 3 years) about Emilia Clarke not being naked. And the whole Sansa thing was beyond frustrating and offensive because people actually said it was worse bc it's happening to Sansa….that says more about them than it does of the show. I have to disagree on the Cersei/Jaimie scene, I took it as she said no but yet kissing back as mixed signals, but that's just my opinion. Bottom line, it is frustrating to hear people who love the book complain especially about rape in the show. Sometimes I wish they depicted every rape scene that is present in the books just so people will finally realize that seeing and reading things affect you differently, but apparently not many people can understand that. Thank you for taking on this topic and speaking of it intelligently, everyone needs to watch this! Great video & sorry for this long ass comment!

  5. There certainly is such a thing as overdoing it, Black Sails for instance is a prime example, but Game of Thrones has actually done it pretty well. It was very necessary early on, as it truly did help develop the characters, Theon probably the most, but as the series went on we see it less and less. Especially in S6, where I don't actually believe one major character was involved in a sexual scene. Basically in terms of plot, it was utilized almost perfectly, compared to shows like Black Sails, which I do believe over does it and is just there for shock value.

  6. I agree that seasons 1 and 2 had a lot more sex than the later ones. Being that there was incest involved with some of the scenes just made it REALLY shocking (and I do not shock easily!)


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