Game of Thrones available for digital download at



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  2. umm maybe i'll watch it but it was all confusing, some wall dragons and i got stuck on that the jerk sitting on that throne's mother and uncle were a little "too close" and the weirdest part was i think the guy talking is from that shield thing from iron man, you know the one with an eye patch. Might watch this but its all confusing…

  3. Forgot all about this video! Could it be done better? Sure. But for someone who's never seen "Game of Thrones " or ventured into the World of Ice and Fire, I recommend it! If a person is offended by Samuel L. Jackson's narration ( my Dad put him in the "that son-of-a-gun!" category – direct quote – because ever' body and his brother wants him to spice up their movie or hawk their product : can't deny his talent or charisma….), if anyone is offended by this intro, then they should avoid "Game of Thrones. "
    Saw a video on the bafflement and resentment of the non-initiated, and I'd say start here. Beyond this, I'd say start with entering "Davos Seaworth " and follow his storyline. Then enter "Daenerys Targaryen" and follow hers. Finally, enter "Jon Snow" and follow his. It'll likely take you a few days on each storyline, but you'll get a good grounding on what's going on and be able to branch out into other aspects of the World of Ice and Fire.
    If you're ambitious, just enter "Tyrion Lannister" and follow the "dwarf" – the smartest character of them all.
    Thanks for this hard-hitting introduction. Five million views says it all….


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