Here are all of the best fighting scenes from Game of Thrones for seasons 1-5. This is why Game of Thrones is so awesome!!!



  1. S5 and early S6 almost made me lose faith in GoT. Jon, Dorne and the Iron Islands' storylines were robbed of their complexity. Would rather have had Jaime integrated into the original Dorne arc, and had just a little bit more detail put into the Greyjoy arc. Stannis was alright, but his arc fell apart near the end. Jon's murder wasn't 10/10 and woulda liked the Stark campaign to have a more in depth examination of tactics instead of pitstops at house x,y,z. King's Landing was mostly fine. Dany's storyline also seemed a bit off, and the Unsullied were thoroughly underpowered.

  2. Still funny how Tywin Lannister played out the entire Viper-vs-the Mountain-development: in extend of Tyrion's trial-by-combat: If the Mountain won, Tywin would consilidate his strenght wuth that, as Gregor Clegane was Tywin's 'Mad Dog'-sworn Bannerman, ig Oberyn had won, he would have given Dorne the justice they craved, alongside the respectful position Tywin offered to Oberyn, and the Dornish,.. Its even to question of Tywin was happy with Gregor winning over the (tactical and)briljant mind that was Oberyn Martell. The Red Viper was, despite the Dornish absense and 'semi-isolation from the Fold', a very well known fighter, and brilliant administrator, commander, and tactical/political player. I'd even say Oberyn was the second most feared man, behind Tywin(and his Mountain). Tywin's masterplan to put himself, with the Dornish Red Viper into the same line, would have cemented his rule, with Oberyn as a trusted advisor(puppet-in-respect). Instead he had the Mountain still fatally wounded of this encounter, for all the Lords and Lady's present, to see. Simply the worst outcome Tywin could ever had dreamed of: His móst valuable asset to his power: The feared Ser Gregor Clegane….'as good as dead'….There'd be many Knights to oppose the Lannisters then, as they all feared the Mountain for his in-humanely large size, strenght, battle-prowess,.. simple the raging juggernaut that was Ser Gregor Clegane, who followed the orders of the míghty Tywin Lannister.

  3. love brienne. she's straight up savage. defeating the hound in 1 on 1 combat after defeating jaime, i reckon now baristan selmy and oberyn martell are dead, she's the only one apart from the revamped hound who could go toe to toe with the mountain.


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