The DUEL we were all waiting for.

I do not claim ownership of this clip! I am just a fan posting this. Copyright of HBO from Game of Thrones Episode 5 The Wolf and the Lion.



  1. This scene plays out way better than it does in the book. Instead of Ned's horse falling and breaking his leg, he get's into a one on one against the Kingslayer. Speared by an overzealous Lannister soldier in the process. Way better.

  2. In the book, Ned was a better than average swordsman.  An average swordsman would have died in a battle against three members of the old Kingsguard.  However, Jaime was at least by reputation in a different class.

  3. That never happened in the books, but Jaimie was an exception swordman and would win 9 times out of ten. On the other hand, Ned was good with a sword, but nothing special. Ned also had other qualities Jaimie never had and never will. He was a great commander and a greater man who inspired loyalty and respect. Traits Robb inherited as well (regardless what happened) and soon will pay off.

  4. Following the filming of this scne, Martin said that TV!Ned would have won eventually. In the books, it was made pretty clear that Ned was barely holding his own against Jaime. So TV!Ned was a better swordsman than Book!Ned.

  5. Ned was older and Jaime has been described by Barristan Selmy as the best swordsman hes ever senn (besides perhaps Arthur Dayne and himself) Ned had 6 of his most martially skilled bannerman with him when he fought the last 3 knights of the kingsguard with him and only Ned and Howland Reed survived the fight, I agree Ned's a great swordsman but he could not have won that fight against Jaime at full strength.

  6. Its funny because this fight never happened in the books! I think the writers knew how much Ned was fabled and always said how badass Ned always was. So the writers put that scene in there to get the fans some rest.


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