Saddest Moments of the show



  1. The look on Ygrittes face when Jon rides away, and yes Tyrion who has always wanted to be loved…and Jon, I knew it was going to happen and yet it hit me like a brick, I was in tears, his brothers betraying him including Olly…And the look of total loss on Catelyn's face, she had given up….Shireen OMG, her screams haunt me, still-I haven't forgiven Stannis or Melisandre……Also another death that I simply cannot bear to watch is Oberyn Martell, I loved his character and he was soooo close to victory…..Wonderful vid Gaming…but honestly I cannot watch Shireen or Oberyn, I cry every time. Thank you for making this and the editing is brilliant(I still have to work on mine) well done & Jen and I will give you a shout out. Take care, keep strong and enjoy your weekend 🙂


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