Best Scenes: Robert Baratheon, King of the Seven Kingdoms, tells Cersei Lannister, his wife, about his love for Lyanna Stark.

I claim no ownership of this. Property of HBO from episode 5 of Game of Thrones The Wolf and the Lion.



  1. "Do you wanna know the horrible truth? I can't even remember what she look like. I only know she was the one thing I ever wanted. Someone took her away from me, and Seven Kingdoms couldn't fill the hole she left behind."

    "Korkunç gerçeği bilmek ister misin? Nasıl göründüğünü bile hatırlamıyorum. Tek bildiğim, hayatım boyunca sahip olmak istediğim tek şey oydu. Birisi onu benden aldı, ve Yedi Krallık bile onun bıraktığı boşluğu doldurmaya yetmedi."

  2. Reminds me a lot of the Gendry/Jon/Arya dynamic. I picture Gendry being the king of the Seven Kingdoms one day and reminiscing on the Stark girl he once loved, whose "brother" was Gendry's best friend and war companion. "Someone took her away from me" could be the white walkers.

  3. I can't help but sob a little at this scene, it's one first and last serene moment, between Cersei and Robert. They both had a tragic story, while Robert dies in first season and Cersei evolves into the mad king throughtout the 6 seasons. Robert was an amazing portrail of loss and Cersei had one of the best character developemet in the entire series imo.

  4. Robert has to be the most tragic character in the series. He loved Lyanna more than anything while she loved Rhaegar. He never wanted to be a king, the small council meetings and the politics aren't his lifestyle, and he was forced to marry a woman he never truly loved, while fathering children that weren't his.
    I believe he would have been a great kings guard commander. He has a great mind for strategy and war but he was forced into kinghood when he never really wanted it.

  5. Meanwhile she has fucked and then given birth to three kids of her brother. I don't care when she once loved Robert, her being upset at this moment is delicious to me. Every time her smirk is frozen from being beaten, embarrassed, or whatever. Every time she doesn't have the last word. I cheer!

  6. Now I'm wondering if when she says 'when we lost our first boy', if that boy truly was Robert's son, not Jaime's, and perhaps Cersei killed or aborted the baby once she felt she was no longer in love with Robert. I know here she says she was still in love with him for a while after they lost the baby, but wouldn't she say that anyway, as to not bring any attention to the death of the child- if the aforementioned be the case?

  7. As much as I love to hate Cersei Lannister's guts (I was cheering when she was arrested), I can't help but feel really bad for her here. Here she is, talking to the man she once loved…and learning that he never really loved her in returned and was in love with somebody he knew he could never have (because the way Robert calls Lyanna as "the only thing I ever wanted" convinces me that he didn't love her as a person but as something that was taken away from him). I think, deep down, Cersei was secretly hoping Robert would say that he loves her but that last hope was crushed and so she moved on to protecting the only other thing that keeps her going; her kids. Lena Heady did a fantastic job here, as did Mark Addy.

  8. Man I really do feel for both of them, do you get the feeling that if they both had actually tried in their relationship a lot of the conflicts in the series could have been avoided? I suppose that is the greatest strength of Game of Thrones, watching the flawed characters and the terrible consequences of when those flawed people are given power.

    Robert was a horrible king and a worse father, but compared to what came before and after he should be given sainthood.

  9. here in this scene you can sympathize with cersei. it can be humiliating if you spend years watching your husband whoring and drinking and not loving you. cersei wasn't born a great soul but a loser husband can just push one over the edge. she did kill her young friend so she was always a murderer but maybe there was hope for her she could have changed if she was loved. jamie is just toxic for her because she doesn't love him the way she needed to be loved to keep her sanity. he just drove her more insane.


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