With trouble brewing to the North, trouble brewing in Winterfell and Eastwatch-by-the-Sea investing in some very speedy ravens, there was a lot for Dragons on the Wall to discuss this week about an episode we were a bit divided on.

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  1. Why does everyone complain soooooo much about how long it takes people to travel. Just enjoy the show! Do you want to watch multiple episodes of people walking? Just enjoy the damn show!

  2. It's so sad and a huge population doesn't get the you cannot have a childhood like Arya's and come out of it a well adjusted person. The only normalcy she experienced was with lady Crane and that was so brief. We all love Arya, understood and cheered her on towards her revenge. We saw how she grew up. She was never going to behave other than we've seen recently. Her story is tragic. Sadly, I think that's the point.

  3. Sansa sent Brienne away because she vowed never to ask anything of her that would bring her dishonor. Briene would be compelled to get involved and no matter what she did would in the end feel she dishonored her vow to Catline. Sansa's being the adult. And….just maybe because Brienne getting involved came out of Littlefinger's mouth and Sansa wisely doesn't trust anything out of his mouth anymore.

  4. Too many characters have plot shield at this point. Heroes die when its logical for them to have died, and to have none of them be killed in this or the Lannister army vs danaerys doesnt make sense.

  5. I really hope a lot of their complaints are resolved after the shows conclusion.
    Like the Arya complaint (which I also hate) – Maybe she's acting this way because she's actually one step ahead of littlefinger or some other intention.
    The convenience complaint such as Jon surviving – Maybe the Bran and Night King theory will actually make everything sense at the end of the series. Or some reason why the Night King didn't want to attack and kill them.
    I still believe the writing of GOT is better than anything else and hoping for these complaints now to have proper resolutions later.

  6. Season 8 prediction : Somehow Vyserion gest separated from the night king. Dany comes close to him thinking he wont hurt his mom. For a few moments it almost looks like it´s working but then Vyserion strikes. Just before he can hit dany Drogon comes in and we have a full on dragon brawl.

  7. They lost a damn dragon and the night king gained a dragon but yea nothing bad happened and there was no cost there, cmon already. Dany WAS crying over the dragon it was when Jon snows opens his eyes shes already weepy and when he says "im sorry, im so sorry" shes weepy. Too much complaining worst review of the show ive watched had to turn it off, usually a great video too.

  8. They want the war of season 7 to look and feel just like the uncomfortable calm of season 1. It's unrealistic.

    Personally, I'm able to suspend a bit of disbelief when I'm watching fairy tale tv shows. I thought this episode was awesome as far as character moments, action, & overall cinematography.

  9. Butts doesn't realize the significance of the lake or the true purpose of the idiotic mission. The battle is the location of where the Night King was made. The entire sequence is the fulfillment of the Azor Ahai prophecy. Jon reborn, Danny and Jon 'shipping to make a dragon baby from her "stone womb", the champion Jon now has all the info and tools he needs to defeat the Night King, the 3 heads of the Dragon are now revealed. Neither the viewer, or the characters, are aware just how significant this battle/mission was. Now you know. And knowing if half the battle. G.I. Jon!


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