

  1. I think it's really smart how they always portray the Lannister victories as bittersweet. There's always people in the Lannister camp that you're rooting for in some way (Tyrion, Jaime, Bronn, Podrick, etc.) and yet you absolutely hate seeing them win. They portray this perfectly with the music and feelings of sorrow despite these characters making it out alive.

  2. I think this scene is the reason cersei lasted so damn long in the show. Unexpected impeccable acting, esp when she says "other things evil things, like stags."

  3. I don't know how this battle goes in the book, but it doesn't seem that Tyrion has too much of a claim when it comes to "saving this city" as he said 2 seasons later. Yes, he led the counter attack to save the gate. But at that moment, Tywin was only a few moments away. I think the Lannisters were about to win the battle either way.

  4. Stannis only has Edmure fucking Tully and his stupid battle of the mill to blame for Tywin making it back. Had it not been for the dumbfish, Tywin would have followed Robb into the Westerlands where he'd have been engaged in a relentless guerilla war. Stannis would be King, there'd be no Red Wedding and Cersei would be dead and gone.

  5. To everyone who complains that Tyrion didn't lose his nose in this scene like in the books: GRRM wrote this episode lol. Yes he doesn't have sole control over the TV show, but if it was that big of a deal he would've mentioned it when he was talking about how his script translated onto screen.

  6. So… if pre-hot Tommen's distinction between a stag being good and evil lies in the fact that it only eats grass, doesn't that mean he should subconsciously think lions are evil?


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