The Popular Game of Thrones Board Game Is Coming to PC

Asmodee Digital recently announced that Dire Wolf Digital will be developing the popular Game of Thrones board game for PC and it will be called Game of Thrones: The Board Game – Digital Edition. Game of Thrones: The Board Game is a tactical strategy game where the players take on the rolls of various houses from Game of Thrones such as House Baratheon, House Stark, etc. The board game requires a lot of setup, similar to games like Risk or Pandemic, so it’s quite fitting that it’s getting a simplified digital release. Game of Thrones: The Board Game – Digital Edition will release sometime in Q3 2020, but fans of the series can experience the Telltale story right now for Xbox One, PC and PS4.

game of thrones board game

Dire Wolf Digital has previously worked on the Game of Thrones Oathbreaker board game and digital version of Raiders of The North Sea so they have experience bringing board games to life in the realm of video games. Asmodee Digital hasn’t clarified whether or not it will be the second edition of the board game, which features its first expansion Clash of Kings, or if Game of Thrones: The Board Game – Digital Edition will include the lengthy Mother of Dragons expansion. Regardless of which version releases, it’ll be nice to take control of cities and regions by winning battles in the Digital Edition of the Game of Thrones board game.

While we aren’t sure whether the two board game expansions will be included in the Digital Edition, Asmodee Digital has confirmed that there will be digital exclusive challenges based on The War of the Five Kings. This additional content will increase the gameplay by 6-8 hours per session and will expand upon the existing Game of Thrones board game.

Will you be battling across Game of Thrones: The Board Game – Digital Edition? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: PC Gamer



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