Which way will the winds blow this year? There has been an icy chill in fans’ hearts these last few years as they wait for news about the sequel to A Dance With Dragons. Unusually, Martin has been notably quiet on social media since early December. This is very out of character, but has actually raised hopes he might be consumed with putting the finishing touches to the long-awaited novel. His latest post also contains another boost that something will be here by a specific date.

Martin wrote about the upcoming nominations for the prestigious annual Hugo Awards on his blog, amusing called ‘notablog’.

The awards will be handed out this summer at the 2020 Word Con which takes place in Wellington, New Zealand and has been dubbed CoNZealand.

As well as uring all his fans to vote, Martin dropped in a love;y reminder that he will be the master of ceremonies at the event this year, handing out the awards.

The Game of Thrones author wrote: “I am going to be the Toastmaster this summer at CoNZealand, the guy on stage emceeing the event and handing out all those nice shiny rocket ships.  

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“It would not be appropriate for me to go on record as favouring certain nominees (and, by implication, dis-approving of others… though that would be a shaky assumption since I don’t always get around to reading everything in every case).  

“It behoves the Toastmaster to be neutral, I believe. 

“Which is not to say that I won’t be cheering on some winners and being aghast at others… but not in public.”

But why is this so important for fans desperately waiting for Winds of Winter news?

Every single book in the series so far has been released in late summer or autumn. The first four books were released in August, November, August and October of their respective years.

A Dance With Dragons was the earliest released in any year, coming out in July 2011.

Expect The Winds of Winter to blow into bookshops around that time also.

Especially because it needs to appear before CoNZealand…



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