

  1. Bran is more Raven then Human at this point, at least on the inside. It's bittersweet because they have basically lost their brother but gained a whole lot of valuable information with him becoming the Raven. His reaction made so much sense to me when I thought about how his emotional sensibilities simply had to shut down over the course last season to cope with all of the things he's seen or done (Hodor).

    Plus in a way all the Starks have died except for Sansa. Ramsey's cruelty undoubtedly changed her but she still retains her sense of self, family tradition, inheritance etc. Bran Stark died and Bloodraven was reborn. Arya Stark died to become A Girl and while she is kind of Arya again she, to me, has been totally transformed even more so then Sansa. And Jon actually died so there you go…

  2. And people continues to say Sansa is selfish and loves nobody… Holly shit guys!!! Look at her! Look at her face!! She lies? She pretending?? Honestly, your hatred…😬😬

  3. People seem to not understand why Bran is so emotionless. i will explain my view. In Brans view he has ALREADY SEEN ALL THERE IS TO THE FUTURE so he knows whats happened , whats going to happen and what has been happening. he has probably already seen this reunion last season so he wouldn't feel like the other starks

  4. You can tell that even bran doesn't trust Sansa he seemed like he knows that Sansa will make another bad decision in the future. Hopefully not, that little finger is playing with her mind.

  5. It was a nice scene but a tad underwhelming. Can't really blame Bran, he's wise and not a kid anymore. But if you compare this to Jon and Sansa, well you can see the difference. Also shorter as well which contributed to the underwhlemingness

  6. Arya reunites with Hot Pie, downplayed instantly. Arya reunites with Nymeria, downplayed instantly. Bran reunites with Sansa, downplayed instantly. What the FUCK GoT?

    What the hell is the point of keeping characters away from each other if their reunion is just gonna be so-so? I'm not even excited about Arya's return anymore. So far this season is mainly bitter, very little sweet, just like every other season, you're a liar and a sloth GRRM.

  7. With Bran Stark returning to Winterfell, Littlefinger is now in trouble. Bran knows anything from the past, and he might as well expose to the Starks that Baelish is the one who betrayed NED STARK.

  8. Next week:
    Arya:Oh hello Bran
    Bran: Oh hello Arya
    Arya: Oh hello Sansa
    Bran: Oh yes it was snowing like it is right now and you had your white dress…
    Sansa: Da fuck….

  9. Sansa need to realize that all of the stark have change I mean arya is just pretending to be arya, bran is a three eye raven and Jon got resurrected and is to simple minded of finishing the north king as it is his destiny to finish him off ,yeah we see him care but at the end of the day he have to face that responsiblity

  10. Dam this fool has no remorse, no emotions at all when seeing his sister after all of these years jeez… You think Bran would be happy to see his sister, since there are only a few of them left…But hey glad they reunited!

  11. "Hey Salsa, remember the night you were raped? Wasn't the weather great that night?"

    Top quality writing D&D. 10/10 something something is a writer on the show this year.


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