bron best sidekick ever.



  1. Spoilers for season 7 below

    Jamie left Cersei at the end of season 7. He's going to join Jon Snow and Tyrion for the war against the Dead. My thought is that Bronn will follow as well. Then they'll all be reunited, Bronn, Jamie and Tyrion. I look forward to season 8.

  2. Wow, the Iron Bank is a charity! 13 million in debt (including the Crown and the debt owed by the Lannisters) and they decide to give them even more money. That's how banks work in the delusional leftie mindset of the writers. lol

  3. I love how highly both jamie and tyrion thinks of bronn. They both know how clever, experienced and what a great fighter he is.
    Jamie is pretty much begging bronn to become his right hand in this scene because he knows he is the best man for the job. It would be really sad to see him die without getting his castle and highborn wife that he has been talking about for so long. Please don't die bronn.


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