Bronn fights Ser Vardis for Tyrion. Game of Thrones S01E06 based on the novels by George R.R. Martin.



  1. Good thing for Tyrion that Lysa didn't call for Royce to be her champion. If the things I've heard about that guy's fighting skills are true, this might have ended differently.

  2. Absolutely beautiful. Light and maneuverable will win every time against a slow heavy tank. The Stark mother knew this from the beginning. Starks always wear boiled leather not steel plate.

  3. Fck me, I just read that Bronn (the actor) comes from Seven Oaks. It's just up the road from my hometown. Been there hundreds of times! Lovely countryside. Small world eh..

  4. Catelyn Stark to Roose Bolton: ''You don't fight with honour!''
    Ser Arthur Dayne to that Reed guy (what's his name): You don't fight with honour!''
    A Lannister soldier to Drogon: ''You don't fight with honour!''
    Oberyn to the Mountain: ''You don't fight with honour''

    Yeah, Game of Thrones isn't really about honour, is it?

  5. Lysa: Enough Ser Vardis, finish him!
    Clearly our precious Vardis here is exhausted and clearly wounded and yet you're pushing him. Bronn bided his time to give Lysa an opportunity to yield.

    This is her definition of honour? I guess threatening to push your own niece down the fucking moondoor is honour too

  6. Was this guys real last name Egan? Wow that's awesome, I never knew we had an Egan in game of thrones. I wish he didn't go out like a bitch though.

  7. It's funny, when I first saw this scene, thought he was taunting Lysa when he paused before killing Ser Vardis. But he wasn't, he was giving her an out. He was basically saying, "It's over; I won. Call it or I'll have to kill this guy."


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