Episode 6 “A Golden Crown”



  1. 1:52 is still the best moment for me.

    "Enough Ser Vardis, finish him!"

    His expression is amazing.

    "Bitch, do you see the wounds I have? Do you see the way he's making me look like a chump? Finish the fight? I'm barely fucking in it to begin with."

  2. Now, I have no idea the context of this fight (as I haven't watched GoT, although I am interested) but 1. He didn't seem that dishonorable.
    2. It seemed like there were several chances to call it off (I'm assuming it didn't have to be to the death because of all the times the fight was paused to look at that one girl on the throne)

  3. 2:42
    "Alright, lady, I've won. Do I spare him? I'll do it, if you just give the word. He fought well."
    "What, nothing? Here is my sword, in case you didn't realise what's about to happen. Give the word or I will stab this man."
    Lysa proceeds to say absolutely nothing.
    "Alright, bitch, this is what happens to your knights when you don't fucking speak."
    Seriously though, what really annoyed me about this fight is that several times, Bronn paused and looked to Lysa when it was becoming clear he would win, as if to give her a chance to call it off. While he didn't mind killing Vardis, he certainly wasn't eager to do it. Several times, both he and Vardis looked at Lysa to see if she'd call it off. Nowhere in the rules for Trial By Combat does it state that the fight has to be to the death, and even when Vardis was CLEARLY going to lose, wounded, defenseless and with a sword poised to strike, and even when Bronn STOPPED before attacking and spent several seconds looking at Lysa, she didn't do jack-shit. The death of Vardis Egen annoys me, not because I'm attached to the guy who had all of five minutes of screen time, but because it's a death that didn't need to happen. Which reminds me of another Trial by Combat in Tyrion's name….

  4. I don't get why that bitch is all up about Bronn not fighting honorable when she should be horrified her son basically didn't bat an eye when one of her good men was slain. Does she taught him to treat their people like objects?

  5. Just want clarify that it was Bronn's choice to fight without shield or armor. Lysa Arryn didn't make him do that. Granted it was a smart choice, it was still a choice.

  6.  Straight outta Westros, crazy motherfucker named Bronn dude
    From the gang called Northenerz With Attitudes
    When I'm called off, I get my blade off
    Stab the Nigger, and bodies are tossed off

  7. The guy in the armor is terrible with his shield….REALLY bad. Half the time its off to the side.If he held that thing in front of him like he's supposed to, he'd be much more formidable, which would make the scene better. but I guess the way to show that someone is going to lose is to have them fight like a moron, rather than have them be compotent so we can see just how good the one we are "rooting for" is. If he'd held the shield up like an actual shield he might not have been stabbed in the armpit like he was.

  8. Bronn didn't even fight dishonorably, he used his strengths (speed, stamina, etc) just like the knight used his strengths (strength, protection, etc). It was a fair fight and Bronn prevailed. If Ser Vardis had finally gotten a hold of the unarmored Bronn and cleaved him in two with his sword, would that have been "dishonorable" as well? Dishonorable would've been doing something like getting outside help, or feigning surrender then attacking your opponent after he/she accepts.


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