“Ever been North before?”

The cast discusses how a common cause forged new friendships. Game of Thrones airs on HBO on Sundays at 9.



  1. An obvious plot twist was missed in this part of the story (eps 6 & 7). The Army of the Dead seems to be 'adapted' to frigid conditions, hence its threatened invasion of the Southern lands coinciding with arrival of the periodic 'long Winter', much talked about.

    The 'specimen' of the Army of the Dead should have started to 'die' as it was taken South, into the warmer regions, someone then realising that it had to packed in ice to keep it 'alive'.

  2. These great conversations between characters – which had been somewhat lacking in earlier episodes – was what made this my favourite episode of the season. Yes, the premise was idiotic. But the content of the episode itself – brilliant action, special efforts, and character interactions and the way the writers and actors conjured up a sense of companionship between them – made it rather special.

    Game of Thrones has some of the best minor characters of any TV show, but as the series neared its endgame I feared they would have less time to shine, squashed between the overarching plot involving Cersei, Dany, Tyrion and Jon. This episode, at least, proved me wrong.

  3. Mother of Salvation: Love and only Love comes from God. Hatred only comes from Satan. There is no in-between
    Thursday Feb 27, 2014 at 02:48 pm
    My child, there is much hatred against this Mission of Salvation, because the evil one does not want to lose one soul to God. When God speaks through a prophet, it creates outrage in Hell. Every
    effort is made by the evil one to silence the Word of God, in these
    circumstances. He, Satan, will do everything possible to poison people
    against anything which will save the souls of humanity. 
    He will spread hatred until souls, who are filled with his hatred,
    will become willing agents of his, until they no longer control what
    they do. Filled with his outrage, they will find it impossible to feel
    love in their hearts for those they believe are their enemies. Then,
    they will begin to hate themselves and the more they sin against God,
    they will be filled with a terrible anguish. Eventually, when hatred of
    this kind overtakes souls, they will be unable to free themselves from
    Satan. Much prayer is needed for such souls. If a soul blasphemes
    against God’s Word, they will be faced with a struggle against the
    beast, so fierce, that it will render it impossible to extradite
    themselves from his power. Their curse against God becomes their curse
    and nothing can be done for them, at that stage.
    Souls, who are filled with hatred, do not speak the Word of God, for
    this cannot be. Hatred will never spill from the lips of those who truly
    love God. You must never underestimate the power of Satan, for he can
    trap any soul, no matter how good they are. At first, he, the evil one,
    will be very convincing when he fills the victim with his lies. He will
    even create a spiritual sense that it is I, the Mother of God, who is
    communicating to the soul. He will use the soul’s love of God to
    instill, within it, a sense of outrage against what the soul perceives
    to be an evil act, deed or word. He entraps the souls who can, at times,
    be loyal servants of God. But, once a soul allows the evil one to fill
    it with any form of hatred, he or she will find it impossible to become
    free of him. Only prayer and great acts of penance and humility can
    drive him away. After a while, the soul will know that something is
    troubling it, when the anger, discomfort, anxiety and complete lack of
    peace, takes over the soul. The evil one will not rest, until the soul,
    finally, turns against God and blasphemes against Him.
    Children, you must never engage with those who place doubts in your
    soul about the Perfection of God. When you engage with those who curse
    God, you will become contaminated. When you do this, you will also be
    filled with a hatred, which you will have never felt before. Then you
    will need great assistance and intervention, before you can be made
    worthy to stand in the Presence of God again.
    Ignore any form of hatred, for it could never come from God. There is
    only one source from which hatred evolves and that is Satan. Engage
    with Satan and those whose hearts he fills with
    hatred, then, this venom
    will spill into your soul. Ignore this situation. Remain silent. Pray
    for those souls who hate others. You must recite my Holy Rosary to
    protect from this temptation.
    I warn you of these things, as the power of Satan is so strong at
    this time, as he tries to steal the souls of all those people throughout
    the world who believe in my Son, Jesus Christ, and those who are loyal
    to me, His beloved Mother. Please heed me, at this time, by reciting this Prayer to protect you from hatred.
    Crusade Prayer (138) Protection from hatred
    O Mother of Salvation, protect me from every kind of
    hatred. Help me to remain silent, when confronted by hatred. Keep me
    strong in my allegiance to Jesus Christ, when I am at my weakest. Seal
    my lips. Help me to turn my back on those who engage me with words,
    which deny the Teachings of your Son or those who taunt me because of my
    faith. Pray for these souls, dear Mother, so that they will renounce
    Satan and feel the peace of your love and the Reign of the Holy Spirit,
    within their souls. Amen.
    Love and only Love comes from God. Hatred only comes from Satan.
    There is no in-between. No middle. You are either for my Son or against
    Your beloved Mother
    Mother of Salvation

  4. Didn't they just skip in time? It did look like Jon and co were on that little island for quite a while, maybe even more than a day, before the fight began, Thoros even froze to death, while he was still capable of running little before, I think that shows that they did wait quite a long time. The hound throwing rocks was stupid, but after being very bored for a long time, you can do stupis things like that.

  5. I hear lot of complains about the plot holes in this episode. Why they want to convince Cersei this way? Why not sent someone trustworthy North of the Wall and report to Cersei the truth about the White Walkers? But who would go? Quibyn? He certainly would have refused to go to see Army of the dead beyond the Wall and he is too old to make it the trip. Quibyn would have certainly suspected a trap. Jaime? Commander of the Lannister army with one hand would have certainly refused to do so. It's like we are losing the war but Dany wants most competent military leader to abandon his post and go see army of the dead beyond the Wall. And please trust us it's not a trap we are not fooling you 😄

  6. They deserve criticism not because it was absolute shite, but because everyone knows they can do better. Game of thrones used to be so dark, your favorite characters dying, heightened suspense, subtlety… you had to pay attention… there was something that set it apart for regular tv. Why does it feel like such a fucking cartoon show 😭😭😭

  7. Wish the actors weren't so greedy. Some getting 1 million dollars per episode. Maybe if they got a sensible wage for doing very little there would be a budget for more episodes and less rushing along of the story

  8. This was definitely a top 3-4 episode all time, would have been #1 but a couple things just took me out of the flow of the episode.. the whole arya Sansa bit should have been cut, kinda screwed up the momentum. tormund should have been killed when he was being drug to the ice ( this would have given the episode two of the saddest moments of the series ) . The big thing that bothered me is the dragons, Jon, and benjens death. I think instead of nk going for the hardest possible target first he should have gone for drogon and this is what causes Jon to get off the dragon, not him just trying to look heroic. He should have rushed at the nk and done something to disrupt his throw, and gone up to the hill to cut the head off the snake and try to end the war before it starts. Once Jon gets on the hill he blocks nks view of drogon and THAT is why he takes out viserion. Then Jon waves at them to go while he stays back to finish the war. He tries to fight the nk but is cut off by 3 wight walkers, he fights and kills one but the other 2 severely injure him, the last thing dany and co see before they are out of view is Jon on his knees about to be executed. Just before the final blow is dealt benjiin shows up and the 2 fight and kill the ww together, after this benjin gets Jon on the horse and smacks it to make it run, he is swarmed IMEDIATELY after… not 20 seconds after.. and the rest of the show plays out as it did, but instead of treating hypothermia on the boat they are patching up his wounds…. that would have made the episode the best ever by a landslide imo.. was amazing how it turned out regardless

  9. This ep was so good I watched it four times it was like a film camera work was excellent and I loved the band of brothers that went beyond the wall they were the right men for the job👍🏻👌🏼

  10. I have read the books an I think that this is an amazing adaptation of them cause the books are too much and sometimes there are parts that are boring as all books when they explain thing a show is totally diferent you have a giant amount of people that are waiting to be amaze, I don't understand all the hate on the writing and actors they are doing well considering the time HBO gave them.


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