It’s here!! the 7th part. this video took me forever to make then i realized it was 50 min long, so i had to split it into 3 parts, this is one of the parts the others will be out soon! hope you enjoy it! the 8th part will probably come out next month and the 9th even later, but i’ll try to make them super long for you guy’s patients.

disclaimer: I do not own any of the clips that featured in this video or the music.



  1. Why can't English people speak English? That's for you Sophie 🙂 But really, you can't spell and pronounce your own language? Is a foot over there still the length of the current king's foot?

  2. entertaining…, but I would really much apreciate a little more even / balanced sound throughout the videos. There are parts when you don't hear anything, and the next scene they're shouting in my ears, because I had to turn up the volume…but funny videos 🙂


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