The GOT cast run through the wildest, weirdest and craziest fan theories heard over the seasons with some suprising findings!!

NEW Season 6 of Game Of Thrones coming out on the 24th April 2016!


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  1. That theory Daniel Portman said…..I honestly said that yesterday. I said every dies, except Baelish, and he ends up on the throne, but King's Landing is in ruins and he has no one to rule over……that is creepy, man. I said that YESTERDAY to my cousins

  2. I work at a store and I swear one of the regular customers look a LOT like Roose Bolton. I allways get a small "please don't skin me" hearth beath whenever I first see him. But he most be like Michael McElhatton doupleganger or something cause the resembelance is stunning. (None of the other people I work with watch the show, so I can't really get a second opinion:S)

  3. By watching this video i think I figured out the "bittersweet" end..
    "everything will end by fire" and only one able to survive fire? daenerys..
    It would explain the vision she had in Season 2.
    Anyone have any toughts?
    I really hope that I am wrong because that is not the ending I would want, but it would be bittersweet, since she got her god damn throne but no one to rule over.

  4. The Onion Knight is Azor Ahai, The Prince Who was Promised, The Unburnt, Mother of Dragons, Breaker of Chains, Rightful Heir to the Iron Throne, King of the Andals, and the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Protector of the Realm, and Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms.

  5. I'm a fan of the theory that the White Walkers were originally Children of the Forest who were angered that the First Men betrayed their oaths to keep out of the forests so they went to the North and made a deal with the devil. The White Walkers in turn were created and descended South, freezing the world and becoming the servants of the Devil so to speak in return the forests are theirs again.


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