Season 2 Characters in Costume Video
*Season 2 Cast* These actors will accompany the Season 1 characters that survived! As always, I own nothing… for entertainment purposes only! Enjoy!

Song: E.S. Posthumus- Nineveh



  1. Well, it's just interesting, that it's mostly sexual scenes (which I don't find really shocking, since it's pretty harmless enjoyment) that are supposed to be used for "shock value".
    Seriously, why does ANYBODY have any problems with sexuality being shown?
    Of course it is a stupid feeling of shame, of considering it something sinful or dirty that is based on the religious filth that's still around in our minds.
    I don't even understand how anybody could even consider sex scenes "shocking".

  2. Bitch please. There are many people who wouldn't watch it because of the overuse of sex scenes ( I know quite a few), but the other way around is not true. Do you honestly think anyone would watch Game of Thrones solely for breats? An hour long show, just to see 30 seconds of tits? If nudity is all someone cares about, there's not a single reason why anyone would watch this instead of porn.

  3. Who said anything about religion? You seem like a teenager whose parents force you to go to church. It has nothing to do with morals, it has to do with aethetics. If a story relies almost entirely on shock value, then it's a poor piece of art.

  4. No. It's just the remnants of religious hate for anything sensual that STILL pollutes our minds. It's making us feel uncomfortable with the natural, enjoyable act that brought us into this world while we have no problem with enjoying scenes of violence (which is – according to the bible – a lot more pleasing in the eyes of some god).
    The bible and its Anti-Sensual,Pro-Violent bullshit is outdated.


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