The cast responds to the fan reaction around Jon Snow.

Isaac Hempstead Wright (“Bran Stark”), Joe Naufahu (“Khal Moro”), Daniel Portman (“Podrick Payne”), Owen Teale (“Alliser Thorne”), Michael McElhatton (“Roose Bolton”), Eugene Simon (“Lancel Lannister”), Kristofer Hivju (“Tormund Giantsbane”), Dean-Charles Chapman (“Tommen Baratheon”) give us their thoughts.



  1. I think they are being told not to speak the truth, not one of them brings up the most accurate, and said theory that Melisandre brings Jon back to life. They are doing a good job at not letting it slip though, I almost gave up on believing he will be revived. Then I thought what would their point be in Jon Snow being killed there it would be a waste of character, and story line. I think he will be revived maybe not this season, it could even happen last season he could learn who his true parents are, and maybe even sit on the Iron Throne. If he is really dead I'll be angry as hell.

  2. "We know he's dead for sure!"

    Ha. Hahahaha. Dead for sure, maybe. Dead for good? Definitely not. Sorry, Podrick, when you die they'll be no coming back, but Jon Snow will be there until the end.

  3. I'm waiting eagerly for the season to start to put an end to the denial and the delusion of jon snow's fans, it became extremely frustrating, man up people and let's face it, the title of the show is game of thrones and not Jon snow's adventures

  4. I thought it was kind of suspicious that all the cast was saying, He's dead!! That just feels like they were told to tell everyone that he was dead so there would be more suspension. It's more believable to say I don't know, maybe.


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