Game of Thrones cast talk season 5 ill give you what i think that was important that was said spoilers
link to the article- some pictures used from the hbo show game of thrones



  1. I figured as much. Honestly, I had just assumed Dan and Dave were told the ending by GRRM when he agreed to do the show…. It'd be cool to know their thoughts on the ending, in terms of being told how it ends vs. them reading it like the rest of us. They were like 25-26 when the first book came out, and Im sure they'll read the last two books regardless, but hearing the ending like that was probably anticlimactic for them, since this series started 19 years ago. Still, though, they were probably given a semi finished copy of The Winds of Winter already.

  2. In one I'd Danys final visions in the house of the undying she sees a tall copper skin lord with silver gold hair underneath a firey stag banner in front of a burning city. Who is this man?

  3. Dude your doing a great job with these videos, keep going I think you'll get a lot of new subscribers once the new series comes out and people go hunting for game of thrones videos and you'll get even more when the series finishes and more people start reading the books looking to find out more about the asoiaf storyline. Stick with it, it'll be your job some day.

  4. I think it said ambiguous rather than ambitious which makes me even more concerned that they're going to do something horrible to her going from the "traumatic" scene and the possible rumour that Sansa is heading to Winterfell (people mentioned potential merging of her character with Jeyne Poole). idk

  5. While I don't believe they would do this, David and Dan have the freedom to do whatever they want. Even though George told him how he plans on ending it, since they (HBO) owned the rights to the TV series, they can change the ending to however they want, they could have Bronn end up as Azor Ahai just to make sure he's there at the end cracking jokes and killing Oth..White Walkers. That said, they are probably going to spoil the ending.

  6. Before I start ranting, I will admit that the show has streamlined or even improved quite a few things – Arya as cupbearer for Tywin instead of Roose was brilliant – claiming Lysa committed suicide instead of counting on the tortured singer sticking to a turmped up confession – actively sending Pod with Brienne to protect him – there are at least 10 other examples of good, smart adaptation. BUT, the showrunners repeatedly make boneheaded, unforced, and FATAL errors for no reason whatsoever and with totally tacky results unworthy of the books – the whole thing with Bran being taken prisoner at Craster's; Arya and the Hound showing up at the Eyrie (killing the whole fake Arya wedding in its tracks); completely leaving out the Tyrion/Tysha arc; needlessly messing up Jeyne Westerling's arc … on and on and on … unforgivable … uncinematic … nonsensical. But the worst thing … BY FAR … is condensing it into 7 seasons and going into TWoW territory. Applying your prognosis of Victarian Greyjoy in today's other video … it ain't gonna end well for these slow-witted showrunners. There's just no way that the show doesn't screw up the last two books and make a laughing stock of itself in the process (it's already a joke, in my opinion – a big beautiful, brilliantly acted and filmed joke, but it gave up its chance to join the pantheon of The Wire and Breaking Bad in Season 4 and it can only get worse from here).

    Look – either the TV series makes money or it doesn't. If it makes money for 7 seasons, it would make money for 14. GRRM's master plot PROTECTS them from "jumping the shark"  – that's the only sensible reason to cut a story to 7 seasons and it doesn't apply here. If those two showrunners end up in my court, they'd best ask for trial by combat because I've already found them guilty based on the trainwreck of Season 4 and I can already tell Season 5 is gonna have me throwing stuff at the screen.

  7. I think they're going to make a different ending, because if not that could tremendously hurt sales of the final 2 books. And I think they're either gonna make that an easter egg at the end of the show, or they're gonna announce in a press conference that the end of the show is not the same as the book. Otherwise why even finish writing the books if the end has already been spoiled on TV.

  8. i kinda view the show like i do with walking dead. The show is the show and the books are the books, though I would love for them to hit the important storylines, weather the character is fake or dead at the end, I still want the show to hit these story lines because they bring character to this amazing story, anyways love the videos i hope you can do a video on the ghost of high heart. 🙂


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