***Spoilers for GoT, ASoIaF***

Requested by Subscribers: Bronn

The fifth in a series of profiles and back stories of characters from A Song of Ice and Fire and Game of Thrones. Let me know who you would like me to do a video on next in the comments.

Special thanks to Ross Bugden for the awesome music:

INSTAGRAM! : (rossbugden)
TWITTER! : (@rossbugden)

Information for this video is sourced from the ASoIaF novels, HBO’s Game of Thrones, The Lands of Ice and Fire, The World of Ice and Fire, A Wiki of Ice and Fire et al.



  1. Any thoughts on who the possible 'Liddle' man was who offered sausage, oat cakes and a warm fire to bran,meera,hodor and jojen in the cave on the way to The Wall in 'a storm of swords'…..

  2. I hope book Bronn will make it to the end. He's done all right for himself, he deserves that fookin' castle.
    Cersei was moronic enough to kill the legitimate heir, Falyse, and poor Lollys just drew the short straw in life.
    But Bronn's an opportunist to the bone, and while it would be an interesting twist to reveal him as a lost Reyne or Tarbeck, I feel like it would take away from his transition from nobody to Lord Stokeworth.

  3. When he saved Jamie from the dragon fire and water, he did relate afterwards that if anyone was going to kill Jamie, it would be him. Perhaps he is a member of this murdered, betrayed family and will one day at the right time seek poetic and dramatic revenge.

  4. It's going to be great when Bronn turns around and kills Jaime! Bronn will be revealed as a Reyne and he will be the one that wipes the last of House Lannister from the map. The line after he saves Jaime from Drogon, "Only I get to kill you!"

  5. Honestly I like the idea that Bronn is a scion of House Castamere. His wolffish face and his moving like a cat sounds like a Reyne reproducing with a Stark…..and this maybe a stretch but the Starks have a habit of sheltering exiles (Manderlys) and marrying the daughters of a flooded people (the daughter of the Marsh King of the Neck). Like I said that is a stretch. Also it would also give a more interesting look at why Bronn named his stepson Tyrion because Lady Ellyn Reyne-Tarbeck named her two daughters after women that Lord Gerold Lannister may have had a hand in killing, one his dead niece Cerella and the other being his vanished wife Lady Rohanne Webber. Which is funny because Cersei was actively trying to kill Tyrion but he ended up vanishing. So there is that. However I won't be disappointed if he isn't anything other than a common man because as Dunk said "Those common men become dangerous when they get it into their heads to kill lords and heroes."

  6. Men shit themselves when they die. Didn't they teach you that at fancy lad school? I learned it when I was 5.

    How did he learn this? Was he a child hiding from the massacre of the Reynes? I haven't read the books, does the timeline work?

  7. Loved your review of book Bronn. At first, I thought Bronn was a fun character and considered one of my favorites. During A Clash of Kings we he causally discussed killing Joffrey in favor of being able to control Tommen, I became afraid of him and realized he would not remain loyal to Tyrion. I still enjoy the character, and look forward to seeing how he impacts the future of Westeros.

  8. He's a Reyne…no doubt about it, keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer…that's the real reason why he knows "Rains of Castamere"…he will get his fookin castle, and the castle he will choose will be Castamere.

    The writters of GOT wouldn't let a simple sellsword survive all the way through the 8th season.


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