***Spoilers for GoT, ASoIaF***

Requested by Subscribers: Sandor Clegane (The Hound)

The eighth in a series of profiles and back stories of characters from A Song of Ice and Fire and Game of Thrones. Let me know who you would like me to do a video on next in the comments.

Special thanks to Ross Bugden for the awesome music:

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Information for this video is sourced from the ASoIaF novels, HBO’s Game of Thrones, The Lands of Ice and Fire, The World of Ice and Fire, A Wiki of Ice and Fire et al.



  1. Sandor is probebly one of the nicer characters in the show. he dosent care for the hypocracy or the politics. he does things due to his own moral code. He saved Sansa from rape, he cared For Arya and he dosent even hate Brienne of Tarth.

  2. The Hound in definitely on my favorite characters list for his many layers as much as his wit or even his skill as a warrior. Sometimes I even get the feeling that he doesn't really take pleasure in killing necessarily. I always had the inkling that he only thinks or wants to believe that he does because attempts to harden his heart so to speak so that he may better cope with and survive living in the world that he does. Anyway, I'm new to this video series and I have enjoyed it greatly thus far. @ Secrets of the Citadel: Thanks for your hard work and great job on these videos! ^_^

  3. REQUEST VIDEO ~ You should do a video on the 7 Brave notable companions (there are 12, I think, one less than The Last Hero's entourage when they went looking for the Children of the Forest during the Long Night). I would enJOY listening to your caustic descriptions about the futility and ridiculousness of their mission. Such a waste of Good Men.

  4. Another very relatable character. An angry man with sad eyes according to Tormund Gianstsbane in his conversation with the Hound while their motley band of fighting men are in a futile and senseless mission of finding a wight to prove to Cersei that such abominations do exist~as if she doesn't already have one herself in the form of Sandor's brother no less. Sandor grew up to be always on the defensive and on constant high alert. With a sociopath and sadistic killer as a brother, he can not help what he is. He is, for the show, the deeper more pragmatic even vulgar voice albeit on a darker side for he believes that having a Ser before one's name does not automatically make one of noble character instead such is used to hide one's less nobler proclivities. A bit similar to Bronn as a vehicle for the show for the more realistic funny sometimes bawdy and earthy but true quotes and punch lines. Whereas Bronn of the Blackwater is a more common but real foil to the nobler Lannister brothers, he represents in a way the hoi polli in mocking the nobles when they become too high in the instep. Just like Sandor, since he and Gregor were descendants of kennel knights after all and no relation to Ramsay except in a mental capacity at least for Gregor. Both (Bronn & Sandor) represent the balance and to a certain extent the middle class and a literal bridge between the social classes of Westeros. As the show, like Tywin does not concern itself to the opinions of the sheep except perhaps for the prostitutes the likes of Shae in as far as they help move along the story. He (the Hound) was also kind to the defenseless, like Sansa and for awhile he had an uneasy yet mutual respect sort of truce with Arya. I totally agree with your surmise about the Hound. Again, same as Jorah, he is part of the misguided suicide squad (Season 7 Episode 6) led by Jon beyond the Wall at Eastwatch to capture a wight.

  5. I think Sandor deep down desperately wants to be the stereotypical honorable, good, noble knight in shining armor, but also recognizes that he lives in a world that doesn't really allow it, and the people that try to die.

  6. The Hound is out to die , because he knows what it's going to take to clean up his shit world is men willing to do violence until they can't anymore .Like Jon Snow and Davos .
    I actually think (if not for the Night King ) it would be cool for The Hound to take over the Dread Fort (and it's kennels) with Sansa by his side.Both people who have endured brutality and understand shit .Sansa's "You can't protect me ,no one can protect anyone"actually sounds like Sandor .But that wouldn't be game of thrones

  7. if youve seen the deleted scenes from the show, you can understand why they cut one of the hound and sansa scenes, where he confronts her in the stairway and basically harasses her for no reason.  it doesnt fit his arc of redemtion, of being a good guy who we think at first is bad.  i kinda hated him after watching that deleted scene, lol, but im back to loving the hound as one of my top three favorite characters, both from the books and the show.

  8. I've always liked Sandor. The moment he defended the knight at the jousting-games that was about to get killed by The Mountain, i saw his personality. Any honorless and bad person would've just let that knight die – Sandor didn't.

  9. the best physical evidence in the books that hound is on the quiet isle is that his horse is there. no one but sandor could ride or control his horse (named stranger) without getting seriously injured or even killed by it.

  10. i want hound to meet brienne again and kill her. brienne wining a fight with the hound was ludicrous… sloppy screen writing.
    to top off the bad writing, hound grabs the blade of her Valarian steel sword with his bare hands and it hardly even does shit to him


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