Game of Thrones Season 7 includes an extra 43 minute long animated Histories & Lore video, called Conquest & Rebellion: An Animated History of the Seven Kingdoms, narrated by Sansa Stark, Jaime Lannister, Petyr Baelish, Varys, and Viserys Targaryen, and divided into ten chapters.

● Chapter 1, “Valyria’s Last Scion: House Targaryen”: Viserys Targaryen recalls the Doom of Valyria, and how his ancestor Aenar Targaryen brought their family to Westeros.

● Chapter 2, “Invasion”: Spymaster Varys explains how Aegon began his conquest of the Seven Kingdoms.

● Chapter 3, “House Hoare, Ironborn Kings of the Riverlands”: Viserys Targaryen and Euron Greyjoy recount the tale of their ancestors’ meeting outside the gates of the newly erected Harrenhal.

● Chapter 4, “House Durrandon, the Storm Kings”: Varys describes “The Last Storm,” the epic battle waged between Aegon’s ally Orys Baratheon, and Argilac “the Arrogant,” King of the Stormlands.

● Chapter 5, “House Lannister, Kings of the Rock & House Gardener, Kings of the Reach”: Jaime Lannister retells the events surrounding the “Field of Fire,” where his ancestor King Loren, and King Mern Gardener faced three Targaryen dragons.

● Chapter 6, “House Stark, The Kings of Winter”: Sansa Stark relates the story of how her ancestor Torrhen Stark earned the nickname, “The King Who Knelt.”

● Chapter 7, “House Arryn, Kings of the Vale”: Littlefinger recalls the day Visenya Targaryen came to visit the Queen Regent Sharra Arryn and her son Ronnel in the Vale.

● Chapter 8, “Aegon, First of His Name”: Viserys Targaryen recounts Aegon’s arrival in Oldtown and his subsequent coronation.

● Chapter 9, “House Martell, Princes of Dorne”: Varys elaborates on Dorne’s revolt against Targaryen subjugation under Princess Meria of House Martell.

● Chapter 10, “The Last Dragons”: Viserys Targaryen, Jaime Lannister, Sansa Stark, and Varys reveal the fate of House Targaryen.




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