“I’d rather be dead in King’s Landing than alive in Winterfell.”

“I’d rather be dead in King’s Landing than alive in Winterfell.”
Screenshot: Laurens Janssen

Arrested Development’s format is perfect for mash-ups, which is probably why we’ve seen it combined with Golden Girls, Succession, and, of course, the equally dysfunctional families populating Game Of Thrones in the past. In an acknowledgement of this, and picking up where the screenshot-focused Arrested Westeros left off, Laurens Janssen has shown just how well the worlds of Westeros and western California combine in a video that tries to capture how it would look “If Game Of Thrones Was Created By Mitchelle Hurwitz.”

Following open credits that introduce us to the Starks—a “wealthy family that lost everything because the head of the family couldn’t keep his mouth shut”—the clip transforms Game Of Thrones’ first season climax into a series of comedic events that end with a man getting sentenced to death. Janssen plays the Ron Howard role, narrating asides that explain convoluted prior events, as jaunty music soundtracks characters threatening each other’s lives or dying in agony.

The whole thing works eerily well because, as Arrested Westeros demonstrated before, both shows are basically just about powerful, incestuous families trying to fuck each other over in increasingly absurd ways.

The possibilities for continued mash-ups seem endless. Like Arrested Development, Game Of Thrones has a loyal brother whose brushes with death turn him into a monster. Like Arrested Development, it has a character beloved for shouting his assumed name over and over again. And, just like Arrested Development, Game Of Thrones also ended its TV run by doing its absolute best to make people wonder why they loved it so much in the first place.

Let’s just hope Janssen continues this project long enough that we get Arya Stark slitting someone’s throat while wearing a fake face before everyone yells in delight at the quality of her disguise.

[via Digg]

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