George R.R. Martin has definitely left a lasting impact on the world of television, after his A Song of Ice and Fire series of novels served as the inspiration for the HBO hit Game of Thrones. According to a new report, Martin will soon be helping bring another fantasy hit to HBO — an adaptation of Roger Zelanzy’s sci-fi novel Roadmarks. The report indicates that Martin will serve as an executive producer on the series, which is being written, executive produced, and showrun by Star Trek: Discovery, Fear the Walking Dead, and Marvel’s Runaways alum Kalinda Vazquez.

Initially published by Del Rey in 1979, Roadmarks focuses on a highway that can travel through time, linking all timelines and places together for the very special people who discover it. Some might use it to explore the vast mysteries of the world, but for others…the road might be their only hope to survive, rewrite life-altering mistakes, and create a better future for themselves and the ones they love. The Road was created by the Dragons of Bel’kwinith and no one knows who they are or why they made it.

Martin has reportedly been friends with Zelanzy, who passed away in 1995, since the 1970s.

“My career in television started in 1985 when I adapted Roger Zelazny’s Last Defender of Camelot for The Twilight Zone,” Martin said in a statement. “Roger was a friend, a mentor, and one of the greatest science fiction writers who ever lived. It was an honor to be able to bring his work to television. That is why I am so thrilled to be a part of adapting Roger’s novel Roadmarks for HBO. We have a great book, a great screenwriter in Kalinda Vasquez, and the makings of a wonderful, original show. I look forward to a long and thrilling journey.”

Along with Martin and Vazquez, Roadmarks is set to be executive produced by Vince Gerardis, who co-executive produced Game of Thrones. Gerardis is also executive producing the upcoming Game of Thrones spinoff House of the Dragon — a spinoff that Martin has already taken a unique creative stance on.

“I expect to be involved in [the production of House of the Dragon] to some extent… and, who knows, if things work out, I may even be able to script a few episodes, as I did for the first four seasons of Game Of Thrones,” Martin writes. “But… let me make this perfectly clear… I am not taking on any scripts until I have finished and delivered Winds Of Winter. Winter is still coming, and Winds remains my priority, as much as I’d love to write an [episode] of House.”

What do you think of Martin and Vazquez bringing Roadmarks to the small screen? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!



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