Okay, before we get into this, just know it’s probably not meant to be taken too seriously, but it is pretty fun. Ready?

So according to an email Game of Thrones showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss sent to Spotify’s On the Record podcast, they — in conjunction with Allison Hagendorf, Spotify’s Head of Rock — have created a Spotify playlist of great importance. “The answer to the [Game of Thrones] ending is 100% hidden in the playlist choices,” they wrote. Tell me more…

The playlist is below. It’s 51 songs strong. Can you puzzle out the meaning?

Alright, so I hesitate to dig too deeply into this on the grounds that Benioff and Weiss are exactly the kind of guys who would string together a bunch of their favorite rock songs and tell people that the list has a hidden meaning knowing Game of Thrones fan would devotes hours of their lives trying to find it, not that I want to stop anyone who’s interested in doing that. Just a quick look over the song titles unveils a large number that could apply directly to Game of Thrones: “Let’s Have a War,” “Listen to the Lion,” “Wolves of Winter,” “Little Monster” (Tyrion shoutout?)…they even have “Dire Wolf” by the Grateful Dead on there.

Next: Build your own Small Council!

So if you like puzzles, get cracking! If not, the eighth and final season of Game of Thrones kicks off this Sunday, April 14 at 8:00 p.m. CST!

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h/t LoHud



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