All scenes with Daenerys and Jon Season 7 edited by Kenim from OVG Media

Footage by HBO & Warner bros domestic distribution

Music from Game of Thrones season 7 soundtrack
Gorgeous Beasts
By Ramin Djawadi & WaterTower Music



  1. I always liked Danearys character until season 6, she was approachable and kind-hearted. But after placing her trust in a democratic rule in Mereen, she became more cynical. She saw the flaw in men, she sees people as being selfish, arrogant, and petty. In Season 7 she becomes a bit standoffish because she kind of lost faith in humanity. Her burning of the Khals alive, she seemed to escape that predicament with even more self confidence. For 6 straight seasons, everyone was kowtowing to her, calling her the Mother of Dragons, Khaleesi- you can imagine what this did for her self confidence. She began to believe in her own myth. Had she ever wondered what would've happened if just one Khal had decided to strangle her? I know she is fireproof, but she needs air to breathe!!!! Jon by contrast has always been humble, no one calls him Lord or Your Grace, he has always ate his meals in the kitchen with the servants, he joined the Night's Watch surrounded by criminals and outcasts. Jon has to fight to survive, life has never handed him anything on a silver platter. The two of them come from completely opposite backgrounds. And its interesting that they share the same goals, the want to fight to save humanity. But where Dany wants to rule humanity, Jon wants humanity to be free. I think that their philosophy on life is completely different. It will be interesting to see how their relationship endures after the war is over. Remember that people ally themselves when they have a common threat, but what happens when that common threat (Undead) is gone?

  2. Bold prediction! Deanery's will die. She is a living fire, and her flame is the only one that can kill the Night King! But I hope for a miracle, like the Phoenix, after the enemy dies she will come back from the ashes. Like Arwen in the Lord of the Rings, Aragorn thought she was gone forever and surprised to see her alive in the finale scene! GRR Martin said so himself, he is a fan of Lord of the Rings, then it should still be a happy ending! Fingers crossed!

  3. Too sad that Dany mother of dragens can't have any baby,and probably she will die to rescue the world,also jon won't accept to be in love with his aunt and marry her,so I think on the next season she will give him the throne and will be the next king on her place,those kind of stories can't end with happy ending they alwYs put some sadness in the end

  4. the intimate seen between the two seem more like a porn as their was nothing like a bond formed between the two ie they may go in a bed seen if they want kit n Emily to continue together it should hv been out of love this part was sudden n untimely just a shit n crap.

  5. Their story is beautiful and i love the looks they have towards each other when they look at one another or talking about each other…it's like a school crush or first love it is pure love….them being related will cause some problems for Jon but i believe once she is pregnant that hopefully that will be less relevant….

  6. Well said Crichjo32, even though GRRM has said the ending would be "bittersweet", I'm hoping it's not at the cost of these two favorite characters that everyone has been rooting for. I'm hoping they both finally get there happy ending, TOGETHER that is.

  7. Best series ever! Finally Dany and Jon get together, which is something I've been hoping for for 2 seasons now. One day I thought about the story of ice and fire and realised he is ice and she is fire and it makes sense for them to rule the iron throne, together. Not to mention they are both stunningly attractive and make a gorgeous couple, not only looks but their kind hearts and good natures make them the best rulers. There is no way I could pick one over the other to rule. Well, maybe I'd still pick Dany but with Jon at her side. That lovemaking scene was the best thing I've seen on TV for a long long time. Sensational! One thing though, he should have asked her to marry him when they were looking into each other's eyes to cement everything. Now, I fear that their relationship will not last in the finale season once they learn about Jon's parentage. I can still die happy knowing that they are in love for now though. This is even better than the Khal and Khaleesi romance from season 1, which got me into Game of Thrones initially. Even if biologically they are related, they have never known each other in any sense so I don't even care that they are related. This is absolute bliss ♥

  8. I think k kit is still in love with Emilia they did dated for a short while but their work schedule kept them apart. And what I don't understand is if rose leasly and Emilia Clarke are bff's why d hell did rose fall for kit? She's not a friend at all…she will always know that kit will always think n want to really be with thoughts..


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