Season 7, Episode 4.

Daenerys fights the Lannister’s army with Drogon and Dothraki khalasar.

Contains spoilers.

Owned by HBO.



  1. I remember reading somewhere that the best way to fend off cavalry in medieval times was to have the infantry form deep compact ranks to prevent your lines from being smashed or use archers
    But with a dragon well you’re screwed if you go up against that

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  3. I agree with what nerdsoup said. A dragon is like the equivalent of an Apache helicopter in the medival times of our world. With there very limited technology it would be very diffcult to kill. A full grown dragon can shrug of arrows unless you hit them in the eye. But that will most likey just blind them in one eye not kill them. Yes you could try balista boldt's but as proven you have to hit them in the right place or else it's useless and what are the chances you could actually aim with one of those things at a flying Target


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