fans saw (played by Emilia Clarke) burn King’s Landing, killing a number of innocent civilians in the process.

The mad Queen wanted people to realise the consequences for disobeying her and send a powerful message, but this seemed to have the opposite effect as her cruel actions led to her assassination.

Fans were shocked to see what Daenerys had become as she had long been a fan-favourite in the fantasy.

However, one fan may have revealed that she had a dark mind all along, pulling a line from the original George RR Martin books.

Taking to Reddit, user MarkoMD007 shared a snap of the text, which revealed one of Daenerys’ darker inner thoughts from earlier on in the books.

The text read: “Women do not forget. Women do not forgive.”

“No, Dany thought, and the Usurper’s dogs will learn that, when I return to Westeros.”

Fans were quick to infer the line foreshadowed Daenerys’ change of character and moreover, her plan to set fire to King’s Landing.

One user commented on the phrase “Usurper’s dogs”, with Usurper being a derogative term for someone who seized power in opposition to the “rightful” ruler perceived to have a better claim to the title.

The user said: “She literally said that that’s how she saw the people of KL when they didn’t turn on Cersei like the Slaves turned on the slavers in Meereen.”

READ MORE: Game of Thrones alternate ending: Tyrion Lannister saves Daenerys



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