The death of Ser Barristan Selmy S05E4



  1. There was no emotional payoff in Barristans death. He died fighting common thugs in an alley to save a nobody. Sure, he killed a lot, but it was still a pointless death. Plus, you'd think after being in power for as long as Danerys has she would have him some armor made. He was the truest Knight she had, and left him with no armor.

  2. While he was he was giving a worthy death, it's still a pity. In the books, it is him who holds Mereen together after Drogo abducted Daenerys.

    So not only is he the best knight of his generation (or maybe second after Arthur Dayne), certainly the best old knight of his generation, incredible with the sword, the lance and even the staff, with an always spot on sense of loyalty, he also is a kick-ass Hand of the Queen. Pity he never got to shine as this in the show.

  3. Man..such an underused character..the books made it sound like he was Achilles. I'm glad he sacrificed himself for greyworm but they coulda shown him doing some of the cool stuff in the books..

  4. If they really wanted to show how badass he was they shudnt have had him drop against 7 sons of the harpy. The sons of the harpy are pond scum, barely even trained fighters. It's an embarrassment to his character that he only took 7 down. The Barristan of the books is far more impressive (and alive) than the show version. Barristan was pretty much irrelevant in the show

  5. Ser Barristan Selmy died in the most badass way. Correct me if im wrong but he killed 14 sons of the harpy with only a longsword and dagger that is epic. But also on the Battle of the Trident he was badly wounded this shows he isnt invincible but just an excemptionally good fighter if he had plate armour the outcome may have been different but he still proved despite being mocked as Barristan the Old he was still a badass and he died a knight.

  6. The Unsullied are supposed to be elite fighters. Barristan is a legendary swordsmen.
    A small unit with their commander and a legendary swordsman taken out by a bunch of fucking unarmored plebs with weird masks.


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