Two of the Northern Inuit dogs who played the dire wolf puppies when they were discovered at the beginning of the first episode of Game of Thrones.



  1. PKBitchGirl1 hour ago
    Oh my god, using profanity isn't immoral, grow up.

    Using profanity isn't immoral? Wow, I didn't know that! I will just tell God He is wrong and drop out of my church. Thanks!

  2. Who's the dingbat actually presenting them as "wolf hybrids" since they are not even close to it. I own an Northern Inuit myself and they are nowhere NEAR an actual wolf or even a wolf hybrid. Sounds more like they want to thump their own chest as it were. Please provide accurate information. The Northern Inuit is NOT a wolf hybrid.

  3. Beautiful dogs i wonder do they come when called ? sit when told alot of these breeds act more like big cats ,i love dogs and have 5 boxer dogs all live in my home ,sleep in my bed room ''lol; my wife loves them 🙁

  4. It's beyond irresponsible of this "handler" to describe Northern Inuits as "wolf hybrids" as he does in the video. Spreading misinformation such as this often makes everyday life hugely awkward for we NI owners who have to persuade frightened, ignorant strangers that the only danger they are in is of being licked and befriended for life. Whoever he is, he needs a kick up the arse and a lesson in dog breeds. I truly hope nobody goes out looking for a real wolf hybrid as a result. It is an appallingly irresponsible and dangerous trade.

  5. I own and love a staffie but he was the victim of a craze and was nearly put down at 10 months old because i think the novelty wore off but they said he was unruly. Which was bs hes the best dog ive ever owned doesn't even bark never seen aggression nothing so i dont think crazes help breeds at all.

  6. But will game of thrones be good for the breed or are these dogs soon to be the next staffie or husky craze.

    Mayb brreders want that tho more sales higher prices. Ive wanted a utonagan for afew years but they've just gone upto 700 a pup. They was £250 two years ago. Nothings changed i can see tho. All the groups that are for the breeds are splintering to start ther own groups instead of working together to do better they want to promote themselves to be the leading person on the new breed. I would sign with the oldest group and stay with them these are 30yrs established so ther must be a group from the early 90s atleast.


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