Game of Thrones Season 8 episode 4 “The Last of the Starks” gave us quite a few big moments, which made the smaller moments easy to miss. In a recent interview with Huffington Post, director of the episode, David Nutter, discussed the small and big moments. Read on!

Game of Thrones director discusses Sansa spilling Jon's parentage secret

During the episode, we saw Daenerys beg Jon to keep his parentage a secret. Jon however, refuses to listen to her, and reveals the information to his sisters via Bran, on the condition that they don’t reveal it to anybody else. However, moments later, we see Sansa reveal the information to Tyrion. Nutter discussed Sansa not keeping the secret of Jon’s parentage, saying that she didn’t flat out spill the beans:

“Well, she doesn’t say it blatantly, of course, basically inferred it, so I think that that’s a moment that Tyrion has to put two and two together.”

He also noted that her loyalty lies with the North:

“That’s her No. 1 thing, I think. Keep her family safe and her kingdom whole.”

Game of Thrones director reveals Sansa didn't blatantly reveal Jon's secret and Euron didn't pay attention to the baby talk

In the previous episode, we saw Cersei reveal to Euron that she is pregnant, with his child. We have seen Cersei tell Jaime that he is the father before, and in episode 4, we saw Tyrion try and convince Cersei to think about her unborn child. Fans were speculating that this scene would make Euron realize that Cersei was lying to him. Nutter discussed what Euron was thinking during this scene:

“I think Euron, he’s not paying that much attention.”

Nutter said the scene was more about Cersei and Tyrion:

“Tyrion wanted Cersei to realize that she wasn’t a monster at all, that she was really, truly a mother. That was an intense scene. I think any type of Euron intrusion there would’ve weakened the intent of what we were trying to tell.”

Well, we shall see how that goes in the next episode, which drops Sunday, May 12. What do you guys think? Talk to us in the comments, down below!



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