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  1. So I noticed that we never actually see The Night King until season 2 or later (can't remember when the first time was) but Khal Drogo died in Season 1. I think that the White Walkers recruited Drogo as their king after he died!

  2. i think night king will not break the wall to come to south but will make the sea into a ice lake to walk pass the wall , just like stanis barathion directly cross the wall using the sea.
    Also the dragon will breath ice , so the long winter will be nothing but a pool of ice created by the dragon

  3. Honestly, people, how do you get from "the dragon has three heads" to "there will be 3 people riding 3 dragons" ??? I really can't wrap my mind about these therories. The "three heads" might symbolize three Targaryens, it might just be a refference to the Targaryen sigil, it might just mean that a dragon (or metaphorically a Targaryen) is a fierce creature very hard to beat… Three people riding three dragons is some bullshit wannabe theory made up by some neckbeard in his mother's basement, along with the other theories such as "Nightking is Targaryen", "Ned Stark was a faceless man", "John Snow is Nightking", "Sansa is Nightking" etc…

  4. Before he became the first White Walker, the Night King was a First Man that was captured by the Children of the Forest. Leaf pressed a dragonglass dagger into his chest, causing his eyes to turn blue and turning him into the first of the White Walkers.

    The Night King is not a Targaryen.

  5. I think Jon will ride Viserion now that he's become an ice dragon, it makes sense that tyrion rides the smallest dragon, Danny rides the most powerful and Jon rides the coldest. Though, if the Night's king dies then viserion will also die I guess. Maybe Jon takes back viserion from the king and uses him to destroy the Night's king once and for all?

  6. The whole theory of Tyrion being a Targ made no sense from the outset. The whole theory was centered around a braggadocious statement from Ayres, claiming to Tywin that he had taken Joanna Lannister's maidenhead. As we all know, that is something that can only happen once, and tyrion has older siblings. While it would make sense that Tywin's incestuous twins could've been fathered by a Targ, Jaime and Cersei were born 7 or 8 years after the fact. This comment was most likely made because Aerys was drunk and convinced Tywin was going to turn on him.

    Also, the thinking that on Targaryens can interact with the dragons is incorrect. In TWOIAF there are several non-Targaryen dragon riders. Although seeing Tyrion on a dragon may be out the window, there may be another, equally as mind-shatteringly awesome pay-off. Think back to when Bran first met the Bloodraven. He was told that he would never walk again, but that he would fly! What if Bran can warg in to Viserion; even in his undead, Seto Kaiba-esque state?

  7. The Night King won't be a Targaryen due to the fact that the Targaryens hadn't arrived in Westeros at the point the White Walkers emerged. Most likely he will be a Stark.
    The chat about Tyrion also being a Targaryen is wishful thinking, in my opinion. There'd be no point in it. Being a dwarf is his crime, if there was any suspicion otherwise, Tywin would have killed him in the crib (he order the Mountain to murder Illyria and her children remember).

  8. You explain Tyrion not getting eaten by the dragons by (a) remembering that dragons are supposed to be intelligent, and (b) remembering that he was unchaining them at the time, which any reasonably intelligent creature would appreciate. The dragons are also probably smart enough to know not to eat Mommy's friends. No need for the godawful "Tyrion is a secret Targaryen" fan theory. Stop overthinking every second of the show.

  9. 1:30 .. its not inevitable at all. Did the Lich King ever ride Sindragosa? You don't HAVE to ride an undead dragon just because you resurrect it, you could just use it as a powerhouse support unit and leave it at that.

  10. Maybe, as Viserion died in the same episode that Dany slagged off Viserys (who that dragon is named after), this shows that Viserys isnt a Targ (as the theory suggests, with Tywin being his dad and Aerys being Tyrion's), metaphorically representing the change of peoples understanding of the three dragons with one being replaced by another, like with its ressurection

  11. I think the three headed Dragon prophecy only eludes to the revelation of two targaryens being revealed. If that's Jon and tyrion or Jon and the night king is anyone's guess. Wouldn't the night king be in command of viserys after he turned him into a wight and not because of his lineage.

  12. I think that the "dragon has three heads" prophecy was something that only makes sense in the books. In the books there actually is a secret Targaryen in addition to Jon and Dany. I think that including this prophecy in the show, in spite of the fact that they didn't include the third Targaryen is just a byproduct of lazy TV writers who couldn't get their shit together

  13. Bran is the night king. He is a failed time traveler who kept trying over and over to fix mistakes he made but keeps making it worse. Thats why he flinched when he saw the first man stabbed to become night king. He remembered how painful it was


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