In the end, it all came down to the dragons. Or, rather, dragon. So long Viserion and Rhaegal, we hardly knew you. After a major build-up, the Night King was a bit of an anti-climax and the Dothraki, Lannisters, secret Targaryens and various schemers all came to nothing. Drogon was the key to everything, but his fate never lay with Daenerys.

After eight seasons of plots and betrayals to get the main players in position, it turned out all anyone really needed was one enormous fire-breathing dragon.

Sure Daenerys’ Unsullied and the – annihilated at Winterfell but suddenly magically back again – Dothraki all made a grand sight sacking King’s Landing, but the Dragon Queen could have achieved pretty much the same with her own personal weapon of mass destruction.

Drogon is the most important piece on the board and always has been, especially now we know the Scorpions are a plot-dependant selectively lethal weapon.

Now that Dany is gone, his fate lies with another.

No, it’s not Jon Snow.

Despite eight seasons building to the revelation he was a secret Targaryen and perfectly suited to ride a dragon, this was cast aside and he was somewhat unconvincingly packed off back Oop North.

Drogon dramatically went AWOL clutching his dead ‘mother’ in his claws. But it is unlikely he can escape Westeros for long. 

The huge clue lies in five unassuming words; “Perhaps I can find him.”

A bit vague from anyone else, coming from the king of deadpan delivery and actual new King of Westeros (the southern bits) these words mean everything.

Bran has the gift of foresight. HIs “Why do you think I came all this way?” when offered the throne was perhaps a tad smug but made it clear he doesn’t say anything without huge consequences. 

The fact he is off to ‘look’ for Drogon must mean Bran now holds the key to where the last remaining is and what he will do next. Most tantalising of all is the idea that Bran would have some way to connect with Drogon or even warg into him.

Bran the Broken might have one more trick up his Three-Eyed sleeve.



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