Game Of Thrones S01 E09 “Baelor”
Game Of Thrones S01 E09 “Baelor”
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I remember when the beheading was near, till the end I was thinking some arrow or knife come killing Jofferey or others. But then I realized it's the best show on TV
This was the episode that made me realize that this show is nothing like anything anyone had ever seen. I thought nothing could be more cruel than this . then I saw the red wedding
I realized no one was safe the moment that sword met Ned's neck
This is the moment Game of Thrones became my favorite show, I thought Ned would have gotten out of it somehow, my fav character at the time, but he doesn't, never have I been so shocked at a tv show, at this moment I knew this show had balls
Arya Stark be like
"You're dead,
You're dead,
You're dead,
You're dead-"
To all the people cheering lol.
Littlefinger vs Varys reminds me of Soros vs Putin , in a way …
"The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword" as if we didn't need more proof of how much of a shit Joffrey is.
"I kept my promise"
And Ned Stark warged into the birds just before dying at 4:43
im gonna wait for the day bran comes back to this moment and listen to ned's last words because right after his death, the birds flew off. i have the feeling those birds are bran's eyes
And arya became batman
Now back to Baelish and Joefrey's death scene video to relieve myself.
The moment you realized how REAL this show was.
I wish he actually said Valar Morghulis! Please!!!!!
Back when deaths meant something in GOT, and it had an emotional impact on you. The last death that made me feel anything was Hodor. Every death that came after that was a mere "meh".
I still think Jeofrey's death was too kind.
Joffrey is an asshole. Thats Lord Stark, Warden of the north. This was a big deal.
He was trying to avoid looking up. In case they noticed he was looking at Arya…
If you listen carefuly you can hear valar morgulis.. but you can hear the word orgulis.. so he could return on s8 … hope.. i missed him š
Are there rich/mid-class/ decent looking people in King's landing ? This shit hole always looked miserable and filthy !
I think he whispered "I kept my promise", reffering to his sister Lyanna Stark who made him promise to protect Jon Snow ;(
I can't believe his death makes me cry even today.
If we must hate Ned, it's not for telling cersei he knows her secret but for betraying Robert's dying wish and provoking a war.
Anyone else see Cersei wasn't on board with Joffrey?
(Also kudos to that guy who forced Arya not to watch
If only Joffrey was slightly less evil or slightly less stupid.
** all those Lennisters!
Did he say at the end Valar Murgulis? dont think we should expect from northerner
"I kept my promise" – his whispering
Sean Bean dies. What a surprise!
even Cersei knew his son fucked up
captan of white Tower
for gondor !
Considering Sean Bean's history, imagine the irony of he didn't die in this series.
And then to add even more irony, Kate Winslet joins the cast, and doesn't have a single nude scene.
At 4:36 seconds, put it in slow motion, and tell me if you hear "valar morghulis"
I want to be just like Ned Stark when I grow up.
Imagine this is from the POV of an 8 year old child witnessing her father's beheading š
you can see at 04:03 how varys look away and fucking littlefinger stared at it completely pleased
2:03, i dont think soooo…..
If Cerci thinks what you are doing is wrong, for as fucked up as she is, you fucked up. A King who doesn't show Mercy isn't shown Mercy. I feel bad for Robert now, with out him, Ned was just a goner, and everything he wanted to have happen after he died was just shat on by Cerci.
He does look like he is saying valar morgulhas if you say it when he is uttering what ever he is uttering