George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire is one of the most popular books amongst fantasy lovers. When Game of Thrones was adapted from the novel, it created a huge hype among the fans. However, one fan, in particular, had the time of his life, when he was selected as an extra for the show. Even as an extra, he was an important part of the Game of Thrones family. Andrew McClay got his own close-up scenes on various occasions including the famous Battle of The Bastards. Talking to the Irish Mirror, he revealed he felt like a 13-year-old again.

He said, “It brought me back to being 13 again. I just remember every cell in my body being on fire and thinking to myself, there’s no way that I’m going to balls this up because I’m in the zone here. We shot that scene over two days and I had to be there every time for continuity but I loved doing it.”

“Miguel (director) said to me: ‘I need extras. Who’s loud here?’ and I shot my hand up straight away. I looked around and nobody had their hands up. I’m saying to myself, ‘you mad bastards, I’ll do it, Miguel. I’m loud.’”

Game of Thrones Extra Andrew McClay talks about Getting a Close-up in The Battle of Bastards

Kristof (Tormund) is right beside me at the time and he turns around and goes, ‘oh yes, he is loud Miguel He’s loud this guy!’ Kristof then just winked at me and I thought, ‘oh shit.’

“I was on fire all day and I still have my payment voucher which said unscripted line written on it. I have that framed. It will forever be one of my most beloved prized possessions.”

“All those scenes I’m in have different stories to them but with the Battle of the Bastards close-up, I had no idea the camera was on me. The guy just came down with one of the assistant directors and goes, ‘this is it, across the battlefield lies House Bolton’ and he then gives us this speech about the horrors they’ve done to House Stark. I’m just getting angrier and angrier.

“Then they shout action and Miguel picked my face because he genuinely thought I was about to kill a load of dudes.”

Do you remember the close-up scene featuring Andrew McClay? Tell us in the comments below!



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